I'm fine pt3

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Sorry for the late update.hope you like it.

Tw:mentions ed , ed , emetophobia (throwing up).mention of b*n h*ope.

Nicks POV :

We all sat down for lunch me, Tao, Aled and Charlie. All of us have finished well most of us, I look over to the left of me , Charlie is just playing and picking with his sandwich.I don't think his ed is getting better well it was and it still can ,but Charlie's been quite distant from me lately ,but I really want to help him. Tao didn't seem to notice Charlie or just chose to ignore, and Aled was to interested in his book.

I was just about to get up and take Charlie somewhere more quiet,but then the bell rang . "Charlie do you want to go to the art room?I don't think there are any lessons on in there."

"Char?". He was lost in his own thoughts. "Charlie!" He jumped,I didn't mean to scare him "huh?"he looked at me with confusion. "Do you want to go to the art room and eat , I'm sure Mr Ajayi won't mind "I smiled at him, "no I'm fine Nick"I knew he was lying but I wasn't going to force him to do anything he didn't want to .

Charlie's POV:

I was already having a bad day. English was horrible I got moved seats next to BEN HOPE more like ben hopeless, he wouldn't stop staring at me like a creep maybe because he is one . History was alright but now we had lunch ,I was dreading it.

Nick asked me if I wanted to go to the art room to eat .I know he was trying to help which I really could have used, but I said no , the thought of eating just makes me feel disgusting.

*time skip*

School has just finished but me and Nick still had rugby . if I were to be honest with myself I'd say I have got better at rugby but I'm still not great , I don't think I will ever be ,in anything .

We got changed and headed to the pitch, Nick held my hand and looked at me with a worried look ."char you look very pale, are you okay " . I thought for a second "yeah I'm fine Nick don't worry , I'm probably just coming down with something I feel fine at the moment". "Are you sure" "yes Nick seriously !"I was lying I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach probably because I haven't eaten anything In about 5 days"Okay but if you don't feel well at any point just tell " I smiled at him .

*15 minutes into the practice*

I started to feel really unwell and unstable.I look for Nick I can barely see him my vision is so blurry. "Nick!" I start to tremble and then my legs gave way.

Nicks POV :

Charlie just passed out ! ,I ran to him just in time he looked a lot more pale .Coach Singh walked up to us , with the first aid bag. "Everyone practice over on the other half play fairly!!."Charlie jumped up with tears in his eyes. "W - what happened" Charlie said shaking.Coach Singh looked concerned "You just passed out." Charlie was unresponsive ,"Char?".

Charlie's POV:

My stomach started churning and there was a lump in my throat with a pool of acid filling my mouth, and before I knew it I turned over trying not to get it on anybody . I hate being sick i sometimes make myself sick but that was different , my stomach was empty.

Nick was rubbing my back and coach Singh ran to grab a bin. I felt that all eyes were on me even though everyone was the opposite end of the field "GET BACK TO YOUR PRACTICE , you have nothing to see here! " Nick shouted at everyone .

I finally felt like I wasn't going to be sick again .Coach looked at Nick and nodded,"Let's get you home Char ." I just nodded I couldn't talk not right now.

672 words.

Nick and Charlie The honeymoon stage (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now