Im Paying

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I walk over to the table that he was sitting at, already having people stare at me with disgust and such. I tap his shoulder and he turns around to face me.

"I need to talk to you," I said to him.
"Well, I'm flattered but as you can see I'm quit busy here." He says laughing and gestering to his friends.
"Fine then, I have no problem with you answering my questions right now, right here."
"Okay, what's your question?"
"When you said mate did-"

His eyes suddenly went wide and he got up from the table and grabbed my wrist and started to walk out of the cafeteria. We walked well I was being dragged and he was walking, until we got to the front doors of the highschool. He then let me go and he started pacing.

"You know, I can't say I enjoyed being manhandled." I say with a smirk grabbing my wrist.
"Well I wouldn't of had to 'manhandle' you if you wouldn't of asked that question." He says, with an almost commanding voice.

Come on Terrance, nows your chance. Time to banter, time to get some answers. Stand your ground, don't let him know you're actually screaming inside like the child we all know you are.

Thanks me, really appreciate the pep talk.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell a mate is and why the fuck did you refer to me as it?" I basically shouted.
"Okay, first it is not an it, it is a person. Second of all, if you want answers, you and I will have to go somewhere other then here." He said smirking.
"Fine, I'm hungry anyways."
"Shall we then? Can't have my princess going hungry."
"Listen here asshole, next time you call me princess I won't hesitate to kick your ass."

He just smirked and opened the door to the school open for me. I nodded a thank you and grab my keys to my Challenger and hit the unlock button on them. The car made a sound and I turned around to see Josh staring at the car, almost like he was in love.

"Stop eyefucking my car please and just get in." I said while opening the driver door and getting in.

A moment later he got in on the passanger side.

"You know since you don't know the area well you sound really let me drive."
"And let you possible mess up my baby? Yeah, no thank you."
"Fine then, ill give you directions."
"What else would you of done? Sat there while we got lost?"
"Mhm. Totally."

I heard him growl again. This time, I felt a sort of power radiating off of him, like he was royalty or something.

We pulled out of the school parking lot and he told me to take a left and take a right at the light and then theres a little café on our left. Seemed simple enough. Him and I didn't talk on the way there, and when we got to the coffee shop he got out and opened my car door for me.

Sweet of him, now let's see if he gets the door for you. I thought to myself.

He opened the door for me and picked out a table for us to sit at, close to the back.

Maybe he'll pull your chair out for you.

Don't push it.

You never know, he may be an ass but he seems to be somewhat of a well mannered ass.


He didn't though, so I sat in my chair and crossed my legs and looked at him. He looked back me, nervous almost, like he was preparing himself for what he was about to say.

"So, are you going to tell me what the hell is going on or am I just supposed to make up my own story?" I said to him, smirking.
"Terrance this isn't funny, what I'm about to tell you is so unbelievable and true all at the same time." He said, looking down, in a submissive way almost.
"I'm listening."
"Just hear me out okay?"

He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Werewolves are real, crazy I know. But they are, and I am a werewolf. An alpha actually, I basically am the leader of the pack. I make sure everyone does what they're supposed to do and I keep everyone in line. The pack is a bunch of werewolves who live together and such. My pack is the Dawn Wood pack. I have a beta who is second in command and a third in command who help me run everything. "

He looked at me in a questionable way.

"Understand everything so far?"

I nodded my head and he continued again.

"Every werewolf has a mate given to us by the Moon Goddess, she has chosen these people specifically for us. When you find your mate you will never be truly without them and you isn't be able to live without them. They're your soul mate, your better half, your everything. They make everything complete. And you Terrance, are my mate."

He finished and looked at me giving me a minute to process everything.





He's fucking crazy.

"You, my friend, have done one to many drugs. Lay off the LSD will you?" I said and quickly got up from my chair to leave.

I heard him call my name and get up but I was already out of the door and on my way to my car. I couldnt be around him anymore, he's just scary and delusional. And apparently my "mate", haha no thank you.

Come on give him a chance. You never know.

Not helping right now.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me towards him.

"What do you think-" and before I could finish my sentence he kissed me.

And in that moment I was torn between wanting him to let me go, and to never leave his arms again.

For now, for some reason, I was comfortable and content.
I didn't want to do anything about it, because I was in his arms.

Funny how a minute ago I didn't want anything to do with him, but now, he's all I want.

What the hell am I doing?

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