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Brianna Pov

"It's been a whole week since I found I was pregnant and yesterday I just had my 12 week scan and the doctor said it was good to announce it to everyone since the chance of miscarriages is gone now. So Preston and I invited our parents, and his brothers and sisters over for dinner to announce the news. I know that both of our parents will be happy and excited for us since they've been asking for grandkids ever since. It was 6:30 and they were coming around 7 or 8. I had made lasagna, roasted chicken, pasta, salad plates and stir fry for the family, with strawberry vanilla cream cake along with chocolate hot fudge vanilla ice cream which we bought for dessert.

As I was putting the chicken in to the oven to heat up cause I made it last night, the door opened and Preston went to answer it and it was my parents. They came into the kitchen with 2 bottles of my favorite red wine.

"Hi darling. How are you" My mom said as she kissed my cheeks then hugged me,

"Hi guys, I've been good. How are you guys?" They nodded.

15 minutes later Preston's family arrived and were all sitting at the dining room,

"Brianna the food is incredible" keeley smiled and I thanked her back. Once everyone had finished the main course, I excuse myself to get  drinking glass I looked for a grape juice to disguise it so they wouldn't get suspicious.

"Hey when are we going to tell them." Preston whispers wrapping his arms around me.

"Before dessert? We could put dessert on the table then thanked them for coming then we tell them." He nodded and we walked back to the dining table,

After the main course Preston helped me clear up the table and pladed all the dessert. I went and stood beside Preston.

"Thanks for everyone for coming tonight. We hope you don't mind But we'd like to say something, I'm so happy to announce that this women beside me is..."

"I'm pregnant," I took out the pictures from yesterday and showed them"

"I'm going to an auntie again! I'm so excited" keeley says as she pulls Preston and I for a hug.

"We're really happy for the both of you. Now we can tell you guys that we already converted a room in our house to a nursery. We know this was coming" our mom and dad gave us all a hug.

"You both are going to be amazing parents, I'm so proud how far you've come from Preston" his dad

"Congratulations to the both of you' his brothers said.

"Wait your drinking?" My mom pointed out and everyone gave a disappointing look.

"Don't worry it's grape juice, Preston and I don't want you get suspicions why I wasn't drinking" I chuckled,

"So how far are you along?" Preston mom asked.

"I'm 12 weeks and my due date is on September 17 so we'll have a new addition for Christmas and new year" I said as they came for the last hug and all left.

523 words

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