The Basketballs

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I woke up with soft sounds coming from the bathroom, then saw Josh getting out shirtless with jeans and drying his hair, "Oh, hey. Did I wake you?"

"Nah. I'm not tired." I say sitting up.

"How'd you sleep?" he asks.

I laugh, "Not terrible. You?"

"I couldn't sleep. Drank too much coffee trying to memorize scripts." said Josh

"Josh..." I chuckle, he looks at me confused.

"You do realize we could have just practiced the scripts in the morning, right?" I ask

"I was tired yesterday, couldn't think about that. I forgot like half the things I memorized anyway." he laughs.

"That's why you SLEEP!" I join in on his laughter.


After we got dressed and went to set, and well after we went to hair and makeup (which surprisingly took 30 minutes) it was Josh and I's scene. We practiced a little beforehand and well he couldn't memorize it all, but Tim just told him to try his best. The fact that Tim doesn't rush us just makes me wanna keep this role even more.

Today Josh had a scene with Matt too, while him and Matt are gonna film, Me, Liv, and Julia are gonna grab coffee. Sofia and Dara have scenes too, it'd be fun for them to come though!

ALSO, I've got tea... even though it's just acting. In todays script, there's like a quick peck between Ricky and Bella, so I'm gonna have to kiss Josh. I don't know how I feel about it, I definitely do not hate it but I mean am I looking forward to it? Not sure. Whatever, why am I thinking about this? It's JUST KISSING (even though it'd be my first kiss... like ever). And it's for acting, it's gonna mean nothing... right?

"Alright, 3... 2... 1... action!"

Ricky and Bella walk hand in hand in the halls, then Ricky stops and Bella looks at him confused.

"Did Nini say anything? I saw you guys talking yesterday." says Ricky

"Yeah, I could sense some jealousy. She was like 'Yo, hey, what's going in between you and Ricky? You seem kinda close.' and I was like 'Yeah we've been getting along. A lot.' she also said we look good together, but I can tell she doesn't mean it."

Ricky pauses, "... Yo, hey? That doesn't sound like Nini... At all."

Bella rolls her eyes, "I didn't mean she said it word for word, I made that part up, but she basically said what I said in... her own way."

Ricky nods, "Duh, right. My bad." he then looks up to see Nini not far away from us, talking to Kourtney but also looking at us every once in a while. Ricky takes this chance as an opportunity to get Nini even more jealous and pull Bella closer to him as Bella looks at him confused. He pecks her lips for two seconds then pulls away, side eyeing Nini without making it obvious.

Bella was shocked but kissed back anyway, she saw from the corner of her eye that Nini was glaring at the two.

"It's working..." Ricky smiles, Bella smiles back a little two big, she cant help but notice how Ricky's eyes sparkle as he smiles. It's so... 'Cute?', Bella thinks. What's going on with all these sudden thoughts? She decides to shake it off and just go with the plan.

"You good?" Ricky's voice catches her off guard.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just thinking I guess." Bella chuckles.

Invisible? I see you. (Joshua Bassett X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now