Chapter Two: The Power Awakens

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At Lindsey's statement Attreus and his army began to laugh. "Humans really are entertaining" He laughed. "What was that?" He asked sarcastically. "Come and take them" He gestured towards a member of his elite forces. "Astarkus, you handle this, we shall be on my ship awaiting your victory" Attreus and the rest of his army turned away. "You're not leaving just yet; I won't let you" Lindsey said in a heated voice. "No! Lindsey don't..." James said trying to hold her back, but she shook him off. She didn't know why she was saying this, but felt her body move instinctively towards her opponent. In another streak of red, she reached Attreus and aimed a kick at him. As lazily as you or I would turn a page of a book, Attreus caught her kick and threw her away. "As confident as you are girl, you are but a fly to me" he said in a bored superior voice. "Hoplites" A smaller alien called. He had a reptilian appearance; his green and black scales gave him almost a natural armour. As he said with a single word, a group of around twenty to thirty minions appeared around him. They all looked, to Lindsey and the others, to have been taken out of the history books they used in class. They wore no clothing, but their bodies were coated in armour plates made out of hardened parts of their body, the plumes on their heads looked like the helmets worn by ancient soldiers.

"I leave this to you Astarkus" Attreus said before he and his army teleported back into their ship, which then took off to the Gigestra. Yuri ran forward and helped Lindsey to her feet. "We have powers now? Could they be from the crystal?" Maria said joining them. "Where they come from doesn't matter, we'll find out later, for now; let's just use them to stop this reptile thing" James said stepping forward. The five teenagers ran forward to engage with the Hoplites.

The minions proved to be worthy opponents for Lindsey and James, who had been trained to fight for most of their lives. The others had slight difficulty but with their powers awakening they were able to hold their own. Maria was able to morph the rock and metals underneath them to contain them or warp their weapons. "No way, Geokinesis?" Maria said looking at her hands. "That's interesting" she then started to use her powers to almost play with the Hoplites she trapped. Lifting them up into the air, swinging them side to side. "This is fun" she said in a gleeful voice. She then forced all the Hoplites she captured to fly into each other, collide and explode. "Aw, we were just getting to know each other"

Liam found himself being tossed between several of the Hoplites. "Aw come on, this is just like in elementary school" he said as he ricocheted between them. He did try to fight back but with the number of enemies he found himself facing, he couldn't do much. Just as one of the Hoplite's attacks were going to hit him, Liam's whole body became like rubber, it increased in flexibility as if made of a liquid like substance. He ducked and dodged all the attacks. "Wow, I'm so stretchy, I don't know how to feel about this" he said to himself. His attacks now had increased. He was able to attack from further away or from other directions than before. "I don't think I'll ever be used to this" he said as the last Hoplite exploded.

Yuri's powers were different. He vanished in shadow and grew out of them in a different place, confusing the Hoplites. "Wow, supernatural" he said in awe as he grew out the first shadow. "OK, over there" he said pointing at a shadow a few meters away from him. He vanished into a shadow and headed towards where he pointed. However, he was thrown out of the shadow when he tried to escape it into the sun light. He flew through the air and towards the floor. "Not good" he said as the ground grew closer. Instead of hitting the ground. He sank into it and rose straight back out. "Ok, I can't travel through any light when in a shadow. Makes sense" he continued to fight the Hoplites, popping in and out of shadows to strike and eventually, he defeated his group.

Lindsey used her enhanced speed to make quick attacks before repositioning to a new enemy. "Wow, everything moves so slow" She said seeing the slowed movements and reactions of everyone around her. "Now; am I really fast or is time really slow?" she asked herself. "Ah, doesn't matter" she shrugged as she used this speed to easily blitz through the remaining Hoplites. James, who unlike the others had gone to protect the nearby civilians, used his energy shields to guard against all attacks, he became both an immovable object and an irresistible force. Every attack a group of the Hoplites launched at the civilians; James was there to block it like their own Aegis. His energy shields were unable to make an attack, but he found a way to make it work and protect those he saw as unable to do it themselves.

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