A school event

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kazuha was in his room writing some haikus (i don't know what it's called, if i get it wrong please correct me.) But then he heard a ding on his phone. It's usually nothing important but then the phone kept dinging..

He decided to open up his phone and it was a message from his schools groupchat. "what's going on?.." he opened the groupchat and saw a message.

"Oh.. a school event huh.." he saw the message from the principal.

Text : "Every student, next week there will be a school dance night, please attend if you want too, there will be rules that is written on the wall, be sure to look at it when you arrive. Bring your bestfriend, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Any family members are allowed, be sure to have fun!"

"hm..." Kazuha stopped writing and decides to go to bed.. it was already 10PM, kazuha doesn't like sleeping late. He thinks of who to go with at the schools dance night.. then a person came up in his mind. Yep! You guessed it.


Kazuha wants to ask scara to the school dance night, but it wasn't really his thing.. he doesn't know, he would get rejected.

He just thinks about it and ended up staying up all night.. what is this feeling does he have towards scara?.. he's just a friend to him..

Does he like him more than a friend? His mind cameback to the "date" they had yesterday and he blushed.. maybe he does like scara, but what if scara doesn't like him back?

He wasn't sure.. when it was morning he tooked a shower and goes to school looking so exhausted since he didn't sleep.

He goes to class and just tries to write.

Scara arrived at school. "Gosh i hate the fact that i have to go to school walking... My legs hurt.." he goes to class and sits down, he sees kazuha beside him looking so tired.

"zuha? Are you alright?" He asked looking worried... Kazuha looked sluggish. He nodded.

Scara wasn't sure and decides to get a wet tissue and wipes his eyes.. "this'll keep you up.. did you even get any sleep last night?" He looked so worried for him... Then kazuha remembered why he stayed up all night... Should he ask him now?.. maybe later, this wasn't a really good moment to ask him to go to the dance.

"I'm alright... I'll get some more rest soon, don't worry." He smiles sweetly at him, scara couldn't help but blush.

Scara nods and just gets out his book and begans sketching some things. He was in the art extracurricular. He's really good at painting and drawing.

It's a very beautiful talent he has, he looks like a person who could just paint anything that comes to mind and make it exactly what it looks like. But ten times more beautiful.

Kazuha admires his drawing. He was still a bit tired from the lack of sleep and as usual, miss ningguang came in and told them to get their books. Ningguang explained about the subject but kazuha couldn't focus and slept... His head leaning in scaras head... Scara was a bit shocked but he doesn't wanna wake him up.. so he lays his head on kazuhas shoulder.

Some of the classmates were looking at them... Scara ignored them and just payed attention to the teacher while holding kazuhas arm.

"He smells so nice... what am i thinking... I'm going insane." He just stayed quiet so kazuha would be able to get a peaceful sleep.. "poor kazuha..."

☂️ υׁׅꪀׁׅժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ  ꩇׁׅ݊ᨵׁׅᨵׁׅꪀׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ꪱׁׅᧁׁhׁׅ֮tׁׅ 🍁Where stories live. Discover now