My prize... (1) - Sunwon 🍋

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For @Cassiet0154 who requested Sunwon with Jungwon top ^^

There will be two parts to this! This is just a introduction and it's mostly me fangirling about cars ngl, the second part is the smut.

Lemon warning!
Warnings: light kissing, sight mentions of alcohol and drugs, slight fem Sunoo, strong language/heavy cussing, bxb
Top: Jungwon - Bottom: Sunoo

Jungwon chuckled as he leaned against his car.

He stared at a specific male who had caught his interest as soon as he walked in.

But soon after Jungwon started staring the other stared back.

The other had sharp eyes, like a fox.

The male was wearing a black skirt and a racer jacket that was way too big for him.

Jungwon felt intrigued before his eye contact was cut short by his opponent greeting him.

"Yo, what's up."

A man with brown hair and a red racer jacket stood in front of Jungwon with his hand out.

Jungwon just stared before cautiously shaking the other's hand.


The opponent chuckled and smirked.

"I've heard a lot about you Yang Jungwon. I'm Sim Jaeyun. Please remember my name well."

Jungwon nodded before breaking the hand shake.

"Hmm, nice car. A mclaren though?"

"It's a Mclaren 765LT, one of the best drifters, wrapped in black and it has a modified engine. It can beat your fucking ford any day."

Jungwon snickered as he looked at the other's car.

"Woah there buddy, all I said was that you had a nice car. Don't insult Layla like that."

Jungwon raised an eyebrow as Jaeyun hugged his car's hood.

"You... uh named your car?"

"Uh , yeah? Haven't you?"


Jaeyun made an offended face.

"Well c'mon give him a name!"

"What the fuck n-"

Jungwon was going to say something but their conversation was cut short by a woman stepping in front of them holding two flags.

"Get ready!"

Both of them hurried and got in their cars.

Jungwon smirked, he knew the track like the back of his hand.

It was clear that Jaeyun was a rookie as well.

Who the fuck tries to judge their opponent's car before a race?


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