chapter 1

14 1 1

( a normal school day )
We went for assembly, long boring speech

"Hope ma'am is absent today" Sahana
"Yea , cross your fingers" Isha

"Ma'am is coming" shouted Aryan

" The same even if we crossed our fingers" Nisha sadly

"Finally the boring class is over " Isha

"Life sucks"

"You want to know something cool" Sahana

"Sure I guess " Anisha

" you are cool " sahana

"Amazing "Anisha sarcastically

" Remember how Rahul and Amit got a week of suspension and the V.P was scolding us " Isha

"I don't know about it " Nisha

"They had a big fight in break yesterday and you should have seen sahana she was damn scared, she hid in a corner like a little cat " Isha

"How did the fight start" Nisha

" no one knows about what actually happened between them " Isha

"Why didn't ma'am come yet" Nisha

" No, idea" Isha

"Do we have to submit any notes today" Nisha

"Nothing except social , I guess" Isha

"Ahh , that social teacher Usha she gives like 45 questions for a chapter and asks us to submit it in 2 days " Nisha

"Annoying teacher " Isha

"Did you complete the notes" Nisha

"Never will I complete that she needs to reduce the notes than I will complete and submit, or else I don't know what I will do " Isha

" Ma'am is here " Sahana

"This class is gonna suck, atleast we have P.E after break"Isha

"Gonna be fun" Nisha

"Today we have a surprise test" Padmaja ma'am

"Ahh" Nick

"Amazing right" Sam sarcastically

"Finally class is over" Sahana

"Sahana if you go outside the class right now you'll be murdered my me" Anisha

"You know why I go out there, do you want me to say it out" Sahana

"Yea, yea, I know for that guy Adith right go then" Anisha

"Bye, do you wanna tag along" Sahana

"Never in your dreams" Anisha

"Bye" Sahana

"Bye" Anisha

*Tags along anyway*


The end of chapter 1

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