Introduction: Lone Wanderer

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A/N: Just for the record, mc will be around 26 at the start of this fic and Rick will be thirty/around thirty! Just so the ages are clear! <3

Also! The picture above is what Cerberus looks like! He is a half breed, a cross between a husky and wolfhound, hence his large and wolfy appearance <3


I swung my bat lazily, trying to shake off the walkers blood that I had just killed, splattering the blood across the ground. Once most of the blood had flung off, I placed the bat back into the shive on my back.

I sighed and looked around, noticing cerberus was missing and whistled.

I heard a small bark in the distance and the scraping of claws on the pavement, knowing he was making his way back to me.

I kicked a few of the corpses around me, just to make sure I had actually killed them all and not just knocked them down, then once the coast was clear, I began to search them for anything useful.

I winced a little as I crouched to their level and began to pat them down, muttering to myself.
"God, you fuckers reek something awful...I can only imagine what Cerberus smells..."

The summer heat caused the dead to rot faster than usual and every now and then as I searched them, my fingers brushed against their squishy rotten skin.

I bit the inside of my cheeks in disgust as I went from corpse to corpse to check for anything useful, but most only had the clothes on their backs and perhaps a few pieces of jewellery.

I took a deep sigh and shoved the current corpse I was crouched in front of away, as I wiped some sweat from my forehead.

I glanced around to see if Cerberus had come back yet, but he was still a bit further away down the street.

I don't know why I bothered to check the dead for anything, they almost never had anything useful, and that's if they had anything on them at all. However, I couldn't just rule out the chance of one of them carrying a lighter or a switchblade in their pockets. Not to mention drugs, Cerberus was pretty good at sniffing those out, and they were good for medical emergencies.

I groaned and nodded to myself before moving on to the next corpse. It was best to use all the resources I could to survive, and as grim as it may be, unfortunately, walkers were one of those resources.

I patted down the next walker, my fingertips brushing against something in his jacket. I reached into his pocket, and much to my disappointment, pulled out an old leather wallet.

I let out an annoyed grumble as I flicked through it, stopping at a picture of the walker, well, the person they were before they became a walker. At least, I'm pretty sure it was them, they were wearing the same uniform, a cops, and their skin hadn't rotted away as much as the others, so their face was still in tact...mostly, minus a huge chunk missing from his cheek, from a bite presumably.

The picture actually turned out to be some form of ID. I held the ID to the walkers head, looking between the two, before humming.
"Yup...definitely you. Though, I'd say you look a little worse for wear.."
I checked the name on the ID.
"..Leone Basset.."

I sucked on the inside of my cheek as I scanned the ID, noticing it wasn't ordinary, like a driving license or something. Like his uniform suggested, it was a cop license. It looked like he worked in the Sheriff's county office not far from here.

I let out an amused breath as I placed the ID back into his wallet. I had passed the Sheriff's department a couple times searching this town. Place looked locked up tight, no walkers or anything. It didn't even look breached. That's what it seemed like anyway.

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