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eight years ago......
TW rape❗️❗️❗️

"Clarise!" I heard my husband yell.

"Mommy, why is daddy screaming?" My daughter shook.

"It's okay baby." No it's not.

"Open the door!" My husband banged on the door as I tried my hardest to not cry in front of our daughter.

He started kicking it and I flinched, Risiah clinging to me as she cried more. I did my best to calm her and myself down. It's a never ending thing with her father that I don't understand, I do everything for him, I'm there for him, support him, we brought a little girl into the world together and he still hurts us both everyday.

He hits me, never her but me, and I'll take the pain for my baby any day of the week. I want to leave, but he won't let me. He only said "I'll hunt you down and kill you " if I do. Those words stripped me of my courage to attempt to leave, now I'm stuck.

The kicking suddenly stopped and I slowed my breathing.

I opened my mouth to say something to Risiah when a kick was thrown at the door and it flew open.

"You bitch!" My husband yelled and tears flooded my face.

"Matthew, please!" I cried and he grabbed me.

"Don't ever do that again!" He screamed at me, punching me in the face and I fell. He kicked me over and over.

"Daddy, stop!" Risiah cried and he stopped kicking me.

"What did you say?"


"Shut up bitch, what did you say Risiah?" He asked, grabbing her.

"Let her go!" I yelled and he kicked me again.

"You stay out of this you little bitch!" He smacked her and she cried.

"Don't hit her! She's our child!" I yelled at him.

He once again kicked me, but this time in the head twice and I blacked out.
I woke up on the ground, blood around me and I sat up.

"Risiah?" I looked around for her, not seeing her anywhere.

"Risiah?!?!" I stood up as fast as possible, walking out.

I went upstairs to her room and saw Matthew laying on top of her with his hand over her mouth.

I ran out, going to the kitchen. I grabbed a big knife and quietly went back upstairs to the room. I snuck up behind him before pushing him off of her onto the floor.

I grabbed Risiah, putting her outside the room and going back in.

"Really?! Our daughter, our fucking child?!"

"How could you do that shit to her? You already hurt her mom in front of her, hurt her, now you go and hurt her even more." I said, kicking him back down when he tried to get back up.


"Shut yo ass up!" I stabbed his arm.

"I loved you, she loved you. We loved you, but you can't give that energy back, and I was just gonna try and wait it out, hoping you'd go back to the old you, but you didn't."

"I would let you rot in jail." I stabbed other arm.

"But no, you don't deserve that, jail is deserved for people who stole money. Jail is not for people who beat their wives everyday, hurt their daughters, and now, rape their daughters."

"Go to hell!" He screamed.

"Oh no, wrong person. That's where you're going." I stabbed him repeatedly in the leg before placing the knife above his heart.

"I fucking hate you." I spat at him.

I stuck the knife in, pulling it out and running to Risiah.

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