my closest friend..♡

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*griff had soon woke up in fandroids arms* huh?.... fandroid?

Glad to see your awake... I didn't know how long you'd be out... *fandroid chuckled softly and looked down at griff* can you stand?

I think so..... *he slowly stood up and almost fell over if it wasn't for fandroid supporting him* thanks buddy.. heheh... I think my legs still need time to work... whats happening.? Why are we in the panic room?

*griffs floofy hair bounced as he looked around.*

A robot by the name 404 has broken in the facility and now everythings on lockdown. *melody explained* I'd be so mad at him if it wasn't for his sweet legs.

I'm sorry what?? *griff almost choked on his drink*

Its a long story... don't even ask... *frogbot sighed*

*fandrew got super close to griff almost invading his personal space.*

Fandrew! He doesn't! Have a gun. Besides... even if he did.. we are NOT playing that! Leave him alone... he just woke up okay..? *fandroid protected Griff... earning a small giggle out of him.*

*meanwhile. Y/N looked through the cameras. And they spot 404 near the panic room. Since beep-o was still charging, they decided to leave the room and over to where 404 is* your never gonna be able to get to them, so don't even try...

If fandrew can get in their, so can I! *he went to find Fandrews hole. But Y/N grabbed him and he huffed angrily* ughhh!

I told you don't even try *They pinned him down*

Why are you so strong??! For such a tiny cute human!
*he grunted and he covered his mouth when he realised what he just said* I mean uh-

Did you just say cute? *Y/N smiled smugly*

No... *he attempted to deny but his face turned a light shade of red but that just made Y/N tease him*

Awhhh you evil robot you!! *They snickered and 404 would just huff bitterly. It appeared he didn't really hate you... but maybe had some form of soul connection...*

To be continued ^^

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