New Living Chapter 4.

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I woke up to the sound of a siren. I sat straight up and looked around. Every light was off except one in the kitchen.

I looked at the TV and saw that a movie was playing that I've never seen before. Looked like an Action movie. Then I remembered. Justin.

I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. "Justin?", I asked while getting up off the couch. "I'm over here in the kitchen. I hope you don't mind me cooking us both Dinner.", he said smiling. "Not at all! Hah.", I giggled as I danced into the kitchen.

The smell of fresh herbs filled my nostrils. I'm glad I bought those from the farmers market outside of town. As I thought about that day the feeling of homesickness fell upon me. That was the day I first arrived in New York.

As I was thinking about him I shook myself out of it. 'No. I shouldn't be homesick. I'm a grown woman', I said to myself. The I noticed. Justin's clothes.

"Hey weren't you wearing lounge clothes before?", I said very confused. "Yes, but I went home I change, so I could shop for groceries to make us Dinner.", Justin says point to the canvas grocery bags. "What exactly are you making?", I asked as I breathed in the aromas.

"I'm making Soup. This recipe has been in my family for ages. It help bring spirits up on a cold rainy day like today.", he said while motioning to the window. "Well it smells amazing.", I said smiling. He smirked.

I went to the bathroom to tame my lion like hair. I slept for 2 hours! After I put my hair back up into a bun, I washed my face. The cold water woke me right up. I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked comfortable. I walked calmly back through the living room and into the kitchen.

As I sat on a barstool against the island counter I watched Justin in amazement. He was perfect. I didn't notice myself staring right at Justin. "Is there a problem?", he said as he looked at me with sad concerned eyes. I snapped back to reality "What! Oh...Uh.. No. I was just watching you.", I said feeling bad for staring.

Justin gave me a half smile and turned back around to his concoction boiling in a small soup pot. As he was turned around I looked him up and down. I decided to throw myself under the bus and act attracted.

After he put the rest of the ingredients into his soup he asked, " Would you like to help me with the salad?" Feeling bad for not helping with the soup I politely nodded, and we both started getting the fresh produce out of bags.

As he was chopping the red lettuce I was assigned the job of cutting up a very small bell pepper. Not being skilled with a knife made me shaky. Justin noticed and stopped his work and stood behind me. I felt his hand slide on top of mine. "This is how you do it.", he said in a cute caring voice.

He guided my hands chopping the pepper into small chunks. Less than half way finished I could feel his breath on my neck. I looked up to stare at his big brown eyes only to find out he was watching me. Our faces grew closer. We looked at each others lips. As we went in for a kiss I felt a pain in my hand.

I winced and put down the knife. I looked at my hand to see blood pouring out of a large, deep cut on my pointer finger. I stared at it in shock. Trembling, I held it tightly in my other hand.

Justin looked at me in horror, "Courtney! I'm so sorry. I just. I-".

"I'll be fine Justin. It's just a cut. My fault anyways.", I said while cutting him off. He let out a big sigh as he opened up the first aid kit attached to the wall. I went over to the sink and washed off my wound. As I winced at the water hitting my fresh cut, Justin put his hand on my back.

I patted the clean wound off. Justin carefully put a pink flowery band aid around my finger. We both have each other sad looks. I went back to my rightful spot at the counter and sat back down. I watched him put the knife in the sink, and went back to work chopping.

After he was finished he told me to sit at the table. Taking a seat, he poured the deliciously smelling soup into two blue and green bowls. He carefully carried them back to the table.

"This looks amazing.", I said with a smile full of gratitude. He looked at me and smiled, "Dig in!", he said while motioning to the food.

We both ate and had a conversation. There was no dull moments or awkward silences. After we finished we put the plates in the sink. I washed. He dried.

"It's getting pretty late..", he said while looking at me gloomily, "it's time for me to go." "I wish you could stay longer.", I said with a frown.

We both got off the couch and I walked with him to the door. "Well. I'll text you when I get a cab.", he said looking down at me; I'm as tall as the top of his eyebrows. "Okay.", I said looking into his eyes. He opened the door and gave me a peck on the cheek. We both smiled at each other and waved.

As the door shut I grinned. 'He liked me!', I said to myself. I jumped in a quick shower then got myself ready for bed.

Ready to dream of Justin.

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