Chapter 3

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"Crowkit, do you promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan with your life?" Blackstar questioned.
"I do," Crowkit promised, dipping his head.
"Then from this day forward, you shall be known as Crowpaw and shall be mentored by Lionpelt," Blackstar concluded.
Crowpaw's siblings, who now held the names Darkpaw and Shadowpaw, bounced around eachother with glee. Crowpaw couldn't feel such happiness. He could hear murmurs from cats around him.
"He's so small.." "is he really 6 moons?" "He still looks like a young kit!"
Crowpaw slunk away into his new den. Foxpaw and Wolfpaw soon appeared at the entrance to the den. Foxpaw poked his head in.
"Just so you know, those two nests over there are mine and Wolfpaw's. You're free to use any of the other though!" He informed before disappearing.
Crowpaw spotted a rather comfy looking nest and decided to claim it as his.

Crowpaw opened his eyes to see Lionpelt staring at him, making him jump.
"Sorry.." The golden tom apologised, "anyway, I need to show you the territory, come on."
Yes! He was finally going to he able to see the forest!
"Can we come with?" Asked Foxpaw.
Lionpelt shook his head.
"Your mentors want to train you."
Foxpaw let out a small hiss before getting to his paws and trodding out of the apprentice's den, Wolfpaw at his side.

"This is The Grand Rock," Lionpelt informed, "the leaders stand on it at a gathering."
Crowpaw's paws were beginning to ache. He had been exploring the territory all day, but it was still fun seeing all of his territory.
"Over here is the small stream that cuts through our territory," Lionpelt continued.
Crowpaw let out a small sigh, that Lionpelt seemed to pick up.
"Don't worry, we'll be back at camp soon."
Crowpaw hoped this was true.

Rain pelted down onto Crowpaw.
"Why does it have to be so rainy?" He muttered to himself.
A sudden bash of thunder caused him to tumble backwards.
Foxpaw erupted into mews of laughter behind Crowpaw.
"Be quiet Foxpaw!" He growled, hitting the ginger tom in the face with his tail.
Foxpaw batted it away before knocking Crowpaw over into the mud.
"Hey!" He yowled, shaking mud from his fur.
He spun around and launched a ball of mud at Foxpaws face.
"Oi!" He cried, falling into the apprentice's den.
"Stop getting the den muddy Foxpaw!" Wolfpaw complained, batting Foxpaw with a forepaw.
"Stop picking on me you two!" Foxpaw wailed.
"Never!" Crowpaw and Wolfpaw cried in unison.

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