I dont have a crush on you, he does!

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This story is by: BroadwayFanGirl91 titled: I don't have a crush on Isabella he does!

"Well thanks guys, today was a lot of fun."

Isabella hopped out of the small contraption that the two brothers built that enabled them anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. Phineas hopped out next with Ferb right behind him. As soon as the three teens were a good distance away from their machine, it suddenly disappeared.

Phineas shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well... so much for using it to travel around again."

Isabella giggled and twirled a bit of hair around her finger, "So, Phineas if you're not doing anything tomorrow, I was wondering if-"

"Oh, Ferb and I already know what we're going to do tomorrow. Right Ferb?"

Ferb cast a side glance at Isabella and noticed her sad frown. He knew she had high hopes of somehow spending some alone time with Phineas... actually she's had high hopes since they were really young but so far, Phineas hasn't caught her hints yet. Isabella had called up Ferb over the years for advice, but so far everything he's told her to try out has backfired. She's giving up hope, Ferb could clearly see that in her eyes.

Phineas shook his brother's shoulder, "Hey Ferb? I asked 'right Ferb?' We know what we're already doing tomorrow right."

Ferb gave him a shrug, nodded at Isabella and walked off. Phineas frowned and scratched his neck, "Hm... wonder what his problem is?"

Isabella sighed, "Well... I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye Phineas!"

"Bye Isabella..."

After she walked off, Phineas walked inside and looked around the house. Ferb wasn't downstairs anywhere so he guessed that he was upstairs in their room. He darted upstairs and found Ferb lounging on his bed, reading a book.

Phineas walked in and spoke, "Hey Ferb... is everything alright?"

Ferb didn't answer or even acknowledge his brother.

"Come on, Ferb talk to me... is there something I said or did that I don't know about?"

Ferb sighed as he set his book down, "What do you think of Isabella?"

"Ex... excuse me?" Phineas stuttered,

"What do you think of Isabella?"

"I... um, well she's nice and... I like her because she's our best friend."

Ferb rolled his eyes, "That's not what I meant... what I mean is, do you think she's... pretty? Beautiful? Ravishing? Have you been having thoughts about her... like more then friends? Have you-"

Phineas's eyes grew wide, "Oh my gosh! I get what you're saying, Ferb!"

Ferb cracked a smile. Yes his brother was finally getting it...

"You love Isabella!"

...or not. Ferb frowned, "What?"

Phineas pointed at him, "I knew it! You have a crush on Isabella! Oh, this is great! You have to tell her... or even better yet, I'll tell her for you. Here, I'll do it right now."

Phineas fished into his pocket for his phone and was about to dial the numbers when Ferb snatched the phone away.

"He... hey! Ferb that's my phone!"

Ferb nodded and and held the phone high up so Phineas couldn't reach it. Phineas snapped his fingers,

"Oh, I get it... you want to tell her yourself. Well go ahead then."

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