Chapter 4

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Pulsar date 1968.01/04 fifth moon of deep winter

Mevienna looked out at the streams shrouded in steam. The water steamed and glowed in the faint light of the moon. Akita growled in worry beside her. The small group behind them gasped as they looked out on the large plain laced with the glowing steaming rivers. Herds of steel heads munched on the metal shrubs dotting the land between the streams.

Mevienna turned to the others. "No matter what you do, do not get close to any of the streams unless Akita or I say so."

Everyone nodded and they began to make their slow way down the ridge. They passed between the metal shrubs glancing at the blue leafed plants. Elloise picked a few leaves as they passed barely keeping an eye on those walking in front of her. She nearly crashed into Mevienna as she and Akita knelt down just outside of a clearing next to a stream. Akita sniffed the air carefully before slowly stepping toward the stream. She paused and sniffed again before chuffing.

Mevienna nodded. "Okay we will follow this stream for a bit. Keep your eyes open and be cautious. We don't need an ambush right now."

Zedral looked around carefully before turning back to Mevienna. "What would ambush us here?"

Mevienna gave a fierce growl. "Icy deaths, they love this kind of place. They are hard to spot because of their white and blue coloring. They are hard to kill because of their hard scales."

Lavoss sighed. "Great, as if the freezing temperatures, violent geology, and intelligent hungry creatures doesn't kill you, even crazier creatures will kill you. What am I doing here again?"

Akita chuffed a laugh. "It is the way life is. Shadow I am going to range ahead to make sure it is safe."

Mevienna nodded and continued leading the group along the stream. They traveled slowly as the moon began to set. Mevienna paused as soft yips drifted through the air. "Akita has found us a place to camp while Akita and I deal with the Icy death. Follow me."

Mevienna cut into the brush heading toward where the sound of Akita's yips. Elloise and Kessa shrugged and they began following after Mevienna. They pushed through the brush until they spotted an odd opening in the ridge. Mevienna paused before pushing aside the hide covering the entrance. She took a ragged breath before glancing around. Inside pelts covered different areas of the ground. Near the entrance was a small pit for fires. Bones with intricate carvings were hung along the walls. Akita whined and rubbed against Mevienna's side.

Elloise went over to one of the bones and traced the line of mountains carved into it. "This is beautiful, who would leave all this behind?"

Mevienna didn't answer but went over to a pile of furs laying at the back of the cave. She searched through them until she found a bracelet of small bones. On each of the bones was a carving of a creature of the tundra. She tucked it into her pouch as a single tear fell from her face. Elloise then went over to Mevienna and knelt beside her. "This is where you lived with the pack isn't it?"

Mevienna nodded. "We entered the territory mid moon. Alpha Ariend and his pack took over the land after our pack was slain."

Elloise looked over to the entrance where Lavoss was trying to light a fire. "Would you like to talk about them a bit?"

Mevienna glanced at Elloise for a moment before sighing and walking over to the fire pit. She took the wood from Lavoss and lit it with her small daystone. "Farkas was a strong Alpha who's ferocity was tempered by Luna Lore's caring heart. They led the clan well. There was Culckain litter mate of Farkas, he was the story singer. He was well respected at the clan gatherings."

Mevienna paused as wind caused the hide door to flap for a moment. She turned back to the fire after a moment. "Then there was Tika, she was the best carver of the pack. She taught Akita and I all that we know about carving the bones of hunts."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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