Chapter 1: Praeludere

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[Audio Log– 20 BBY, 294th rotation]

"–so that's the plan. We land, map the area, the outpost, and its defenses and get out. Nothing more. No stopping to sniff the flowers. This is strictly recon. Got it?"

(various affirmations)

"Alright. One hour to touchdown."

"We have some time to kill then. Anyone wanna play 'I spy?'"

"Fives, we're in the middle of space. There's nothing to see."

"Shusshhhhh, Ech'ika. See, there's plenty to look at. Like that thing."

"What thing?"

"The thing!"

"I don't see anything."

"It's right there."

"Yeah, I see it too, Fives. General, what the kark is that?"

"The what?"

"That, there, the... I'm not even sure what to call it. The mass? Dead ahead. It's some sort of, I don't know. Giant... shiny... floating... sphere."

"...The huh? Rex, what are you talking about?"


"Nevermind, captain, I see it. Obi-Wan, Snips, are you guys getting anything on your scanners? I have nothing."

"It may be some kind of badly camouflaged ship. We ought to stay away, though – this is not part of our mission objectives, and they don't appear to be hostile if it is a ship at all."

"Yeah, I don't like the look of that thing, whatever it is. Skyguy, get us out of here."

"Copy that, Snips, Master."


"General Kenobi, do you feel that?"

"Indeed, Captain. Anakin, something's wrong."

"Yep, I feel it too. That sphere thing is giving off the weirdest force signature too."

"General, the engines are malfunctioning for an unknown reason."

"Kriff. Kriff kriff kriff kriff I've lost control of steering."

"Master, what's going on?"

"Dunno, Snips, but it sure ain't good. Obi-Wan, any idea what our situation is?"

"It seems that the sphere has a very strong gravitational field and that we are getting sucked into it."

"I REALIZE that, Obi-Wan. How do we STOP IT?"

"I am unsure. Maybe we can outrun it in hyperspace?"

"Alright. Hit it, boys."

"Accelerating to lightspeed, General."

(the hum of an engine echoes)

"General, it's not working, we're getting pulled back–"

"KRIFF. Everyone hold on to something!"

"Why is it so bright?"

"What's going on?"

"–we're about to karking find out!"


( high-pitched ringing)

[End of audio log]

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