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The begining.

Where it all started.
When did it all start? A day ago? Six months ago? Four years ago? A thousand years? A million years ago? No one knows.

Except for the creator itself. But time has passed, and nobody can remember. The God- wait a minute. How do I even align this with pronouns? Goddess? God? God... Person? Yeah, let's just go with that. God person. The God person, the Angst bringer, the author of time, creator of everything, the cause of destruction,


But, you know what? Everybody is lonely. Tired of creating things. Imagine having to create the plan of he whole entire world. Each and every single person. Everybody is different. It's tiring doing that day after day, night after night. So, you would eventually want a friend right?
Maybe.. a sibling?
Perhaps... A younger one?
No, let's not do that.
So... An older one?
Yeah! Let's do that. Sounds like a good plan. The name?
(P.s if you couldn't tell by now, the italics are belicorn.)
....Let's just choose a short one.
The shorter, the better? Yup. They doesn't even need a nickname.... Let's see.... Lea?
uhm.... Rae?
This is bad.
Why am I listing names with 'a's' and 'e's'? What about a simple one?


You know what, I feel bad that they don't get a nickname. Let's just also give them a second name. Let's have them be very.... Outgoing. You following?
I am. What's a word for being outgoing?
It doesn't have to be a word describing outgoing just someone of something that is outgoing.
Alright. Maybe... A job? What about a zoo keeper?
.... What??
Yeah! Outgoing, and brave! Like, because they applied for the job even though they can die from their head being bitten off by a lion!
....do you only think like this because you are the angst bringer? Is this a side effect?
No, it's just something that could happen.
..okay. anyway, I don't think that's a good idea. Most people don't have the letter z in their name.
Fine then. Do what you like.
What about a ranger? They're pretty cool.
What about rivers? They are pretty outgoing. They can trap you and kill you with currents.
.... Let's comprise. What about 'RiverRanger'?
It's good, but what about 'RangerRiver'? It sounds cooler.
... So be it!

And so, Amy was created. Although, you could also call her RangerRiver. So, a cool awesome sister was created that also bribed you into writing- we are getting off track. Okay, so a cool awesome sister that can also cook. A goddess. A goddess but with less power than Belicorn. She can know what is going to happen, she can bribe and attempt to change what's going to happen, but she can never directly be involved in it. For example, she can know what happenes in the future, but she cannot go over to the future and change it. She has to be right here, right now, in this position. She is like a mortal, a normal mortal, but with knowledge and the ability to bribe. And buy. And that is very powerful, and I'm not lying. Like, intensely powerful.

While that was happening, the first mortal on earth appeared........

I wonder who that is? Shall we go and see? Yes?


[550 words]

[I am so proud of myself! Also thanks for giving me your permission TROHWDIRO discord! I wanted to get this out because I was really excited about it! Yay!]

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