chapter 1:The end of the Beginning

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"wake up, Ashtarte or you're going to be late to your college entrance like last time!!!"-mom

Rustling sound of someone unable to put their clothes on

"I'm almost done just wait a minute"-Ashtarte

"If you're late don't say i didn't tell you so"-mom

Big thud sound of a door that just got kicked open

"Ok ok ok,see I'm done jeez"-Ashtarte

"Since you have a driver's licence now i assume you can drive to college and hope you don't end up in the hospital instead?"-mom

"Yup,goodbye love you!"-Ashtarte

"Love you too sweetie!"-mom

Sound of an engine getting started hopelessly

"No,no,no pls start,pls start i can't be late like last time!"-Ashtarte

It luckily started but she only had 15 minutes left until college started

-Timeskip to when she finally parks at a parking lot near the college-

"Shit,shit,shit,shit im almost 5 minutes late hurry up my weak legs to the door!!!"-Ashtarte mind

She goes to her scheduled lesson and hoped she doesn't make too much noise and luckily she didn't

"That would've been so much worse if the professor noticed me..."-Ashtarte mind

After the lesson

"Ashtarte,is that you?"-???


Ashtarte turns around and sees her friends from high school

"Cloel,Ruka and Aoriki! I haven't seen you guys for so long!"-Ashtarte

"I know right,although it's only been 6 months but still let's catch up"-Cloel

They talked for 2 and a half hours... I'm not joking...

"It's getting a bit late so i gotta go to my dorm, see you guys tomorrow"-Ashtarte

"See ya"- Ruka

"Alright later then!"-Cloel

"Sure talk to you tomorrow!"-Aoriki

Meanwhile in ??? With the Valkyries

"Brunhilde,you've been staring at the globe for hours you should rest for awhile"-???

"Not now,that human 300 years ago said a name about a vision he heard but only the name he told me,also is Göll asleep yet Hrist?"-Brunhilde

"Yes but she said tomorrow you were going to watch over her until she sleeps"-Hrist

"Göll is still young and after the plan i told her that i wanted to plan a Ragnarok to save humanity since the gods are growing tired and their meeting is starting in 6 months"-Brunhilde

"Yes but are you sure Ashtarte is the person in the prophet that we don't know about i mean it could be a normal prophet"-Hrist

"That human also said something about beings called Ancients and i couldn't find anything about them not even a 1 page book"-Brunhilde

As Brunhilde said 'Ancients' it felt as if she remembers where she saw a book about beings called Ancients

"I think i know somewhere with that information about what you're looking for"-Hrist


Back in the humanworld we have someone sleeping on their dorm bed with a book of Archives on her hand

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