A Real Kiss

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It was a brisk, cold night on the Starfall Islands. Clouds started to brew in the distance. Sonic, as per usual, was frantically running around nonstop. He was determined to stick to his mission and keep moving. However, he suddenly felt a little wet droplet coming from the sky. Rain.
"Shoot." Sonic realized and said with a sigh. "Why did it have to rain?" He wasn't fond of water, and it was so dark now that he could barely see where he was going. As it started to pour harder and harder down on him, Sonic slumped down on a rock and decided to temporarily admit defeat. Some nearby Koco started to surround him. He softly petted them as he thought about what Amy had stated earlier about the Koco. How they were working towards a goal of completion and comfort. How he wanted that completion as well. Sonic wanted more than anything to restore his friends, find out what Sage is up to, and to finally go home. But, as selfish as it was, he couldn't help wanting more than just that.
He suddenly remembered the treasured item he had found while fishing with Big. A huge, shiny, and wonderful umbrella. Sure, it had a couple holes in it, but you're not going to find much better on a deserted island. He then looked over at Amy Rose, half way across Kronos, who was completely lost in thought.
"Maybe I could..." he muttered, and then exclaimed to himself "No, that's way too embarrassing!"
Upon reconsideration, he states "But... she does look rather distressed." After a long time of convincing himself, he finally felt ready. He quickly sprinted back over to the fishing pond, grabbed the umbrella in his pile of junk, and headed over to where Amy was standing.
Amy immediately perks up just at the sight of him, completely forgetting why she was even upset.
"Oh, hey Sonic!" she says.
"Hey Amy!" he manages to spit out, while his heart thumps loudly. He can't help but notice every last detail of hers. From Amys perfectly straight quills, to her rosy cheeks, to her silky bright red dress. He is clearly in love, no doubt about it.
"So... uhm... I know this isn't very practical because you're stuck in limbo land, but uhm..."
He takes a deep breath. In and out. For the first time in his life, Sonic attempts to think about what to say and do before he acts.
"What I meant to say was: Amy Rose, would you like to share an umbrella with me tonight?"
Amy looks up at him with a bright gleam in her eyes.
"Sure!" she exclaims with a warm smile to Sonic.
"Okay! Cool! Cool." he says, stuttering over his words but trying to keep a calm and collected persona. Amy could see right through this "cool guy" facade of his, but she plays along anyway. She knows it must've been hard for him to open up like this.
Sonic opens the umbrella and holds it high so she doesn't get wet. They walked slowly together through the rain and thunder, taking in the breathtaking views of the islands surroundings. They're mostly quiet, trying to bask in this moment of bliss. Sonics tail starts wagging, partially due to being anxious about this little date, while also because he can never sit still. Amy keeps secretly looking up at Sonic every couple of minutes or so, hoping he doesn't notice. Sonic is somewhat taller than Amy, so she couldn't see much of him, but she had a bad habit of staring anyways. She's waited for a moment like this for so long, and now that it's finally come, it feels so surreal to her.
The two eventually get bored of walking and start to mess around. Sonic tries to stand on the handle of the umbrella and strike a pose but immediately falls flat on his face. Amy chuckles at this failed attempt, appreciating the effort.
Next, Amy takes some roses from the flower bed and makes a flower crown for Sonic. Sadly, the roses are dead because those are the only ones she can touch. Sonic doesn't remotely care, however, and he wears it all throughout the night. Roses remind him of her because of the name "Amy Rose". She says he looks beautiful in it and Sonic quickly gets bashful.
Finally, the two decide to lie down under the stars and watch the meteor shower together.
"The stars look wonderful tonight, don't they Amy?" Sonic asks.
Amy Rose, once again completely lost in her own thoughts, tries to snap out of it quickly. "Oh! Uhm... yes. I suppose." she says with a frighted expression.
"Hey, are you alright?" Sonic asks and looks at her with confusion and deep concern.
Amy Rose sighs. "Not really." she states. "I've...been thinking. A lot. Not only about the Koco, but about more. I fear that I may have to go off on my own, Sonic. I believe in the power of love, in more ways than one. The Koco helped me realize that. And while I love..." She paused for a quick moment "...you, I still have more love to share with everyone else. I know I can accomplish so much more in this world if I put my mind to it. Even if this journey will take us far apart, I feel it is necessary."
Sonic once again takes a moment to find the right words to say to her.
"I completely understand wanting to go on your own, Amy. I've been doing that same thing myself for as long as I can remember. Please don't feel like you're constrained to be with me or constrained to stay in constant safety. You're a person -er- hedgehog like any other, and you have the right to pursue your dreams. I'm sure you'll do great things in the future, Ames. And I'll be there in spirit to support you every step of the way." he says with great sincerity to her.
Amy springs up and gives Sonic a hug. Tears start to rapidly fall down her face.
"Thank you so much Sonic." she manages to get out in her loud crying.
"Always, Amy." he says. The hug feels rather strange because of her form, but he embraces it anyways.
"Now, Sonic." she starts. "I feel obligated to ask; are you alright? You're the one saving all of us all by yourself. I bet it's a lot of work." she asks.
Sonic replies "Heh, I guess you know me too well. Always trapped under the weight of evil schemes. Honestly, while it is very stressful aimlessly running around and trying to single handily restore everyone and everything, I'm thinking about 'more' too. How I never thought to seriously talk to you before this. How I never showed you how much I care up until now. How I never..." He paused like she did. "admitted I love you. Even though it's probably obvious. Amy... I should've made up my mind sooner. And for that, I am deeply sorry."
Sonic looks down in shame and starts to tear up himself.
"Oh, my poor Sonic. I never knew you were hurting this badly." She looks him straight in his saddened emerald green eyes while she tries to comfort him. She then touches his hands as she continues to talk. "Sometimes, it's hard for people to realize their feelings. And it's even harder to attempt to express those feelings. Even though I'm going away, that doesn't mean it's too late. I'll still always be thinking of you Sonic. You'll always be in my heart no matter where I am. And now I can treat you as a partner instead of someone to blindly admire."
Sonic wipes away his tears and says "Yeah, you're right Amy. It's never too late. I'm glad I got it out now. Thank you."
"Of course." she says with another huge warm smile.
The two lay back down and start to make small talk after the heavy conversation that just took place. Sonic is worried about Tails because of his extreme fear of thunder and lightning. Amy reassures Sonic that he's becoming stronger as well, and that he'll be okay. Wherever he is.
Amy eventually becomes tired and falls asleep while leaned against Sonic. Sonic manages to sleep a little bit too, which is a miracle. He hasn't slept a wink since he got to the islands.
When morning time rolled around, and the rain had come to an end, Sonic tries to quietly get up and continue his adventure without waking up Amy. Sadly, this doesn't work, and she wakes up almost instantly.
"Oh, hey Amy! The rain has cleared up! So... I think I'm going to get going." he says while feeling bad for waking her.
"Wait, Sonic! One last thing!" she exclaims. Maybe it was a vision in her dreams. Maybe it was just an impulse decision. But what Amy was about to do next would change everything.
"Yes, what is i-" he tries to say, but gets distracted by something else.
It's Amy. Leaning up on her tippy toes, she gives Sonic a kiss on the cheek.
He touches his face where the kiss was, in disbelief of what just happened. His whole face glimmered with happiness and hope. Sonic is awestruck and speechless for awhile.
To break the ice, Amy asks "So? How was that?"
"It was perfect." he says to her. "However..." he starts talking with a cocky attitude. "when this is all over... I expect a real kiss." He winks and points to his lips, not only implying that he wants a kiss when she's back to normal, but also on the lips.
Amy notices this sudden flirtatious gesture and is glad he feels more comfortable to be himself with her now. She playfully exclaims to Sonic "You're on!" with her hands on her hips. The two laugh at each other for awhile.
"Okay... now I'm really off. Take care, Amy. And thanks for everything." Sonic says.
"It was my pleasure. You take care too, Sonic. Love you!" she says nervously.
Sonic hesitates for a moment, and then says "Love you too." and darts off before he could take back his declaration.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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