The Song and The Disscussion

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It was at least 3:00 in the morning, but when Beca needed a drink she wouldn't go back to sleep until she had it. While trudging down the stairs, she heard the almost faint sound of a acoustic guitar, once again being her curious self followed the sound which lead her to the lounge room. She stood there, once again listening to Emily singing, but unlike the other song she sang, Beca didn't recognise this song.

"Every time I think I'm closer to the heart, what it means to know just who I am" Beca wondered if this was the song Emily was working on yesterday, but right now she couldn't focus on anything but Emily's beautiful singing voice that was currently making Beca feel butterflies were swarming around in her stomach. "I think I finally found a better place to start, no one ever seems to understand, I need to try to get to where you are could it be you're not that far?" Beca mind started working again, she started wondering who this song was about "You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that im singing I need to find you, gotta find you. You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me I need to find you, I gotta find you..." Then suddenly the guitar stopped and Beca heard Emily groan "Ugh! I wonder if the other Bella's would like this, oh well I'll have to find out in 4 hours...5 hours if I want Beca to hear it".

Then Beca started panicing seeing Emily get up. Beca ran as fast as she could up the stairs, and literally almost slammed into her door "Shit" she opened the door as quickly as she could, closed it and then flopped onto her bed. When she heard Emily's bedroom door shut, she let out a sigh of relief. She tucked herself into her blanket and started humming the tune of Emily's song, smiling as she went back to sleep, Beca didn't notice that Fat Amy who shared a room with Beca. Had been awake the whole time "God, shortcake's got it bad" she whispered to herself with a smile but then her smile faltered "problem is, what are we gonna do about it"?


After their first practice since the car show Amy and Chloe agreed to meet at the 'Barden Brew' the campus cafe, to discuss Beca's secret crush on Emily, but they invited someone that is closer to Beca than any of the other Bella's. While waiting for their 'partner in crime' to arrive they decided to order some drinks; Amy got a large hot chocolate with marshmallows, while Chloe settled for a can of fanta. They waited for at least 10 minutes, they were just about to leave, until "Yo! Gingah and dingo" Beca's ex-boyfriend/third most trusted best friend entered the cafe and sat next to them.

Jesse smiled "What can I do for the 'Aussie Shark of the USA' and the 'oldest Barden Bella'?" Fat Amy looked at him with seriousness, which admittely scared Jesse "ok, let me get right to the point 'Swan Swan Boy', we think that shortcake may have crush on Legacy".

Jesse looked over at Chloe with a confused face, she smirked "We think Beca has a big ass-toner for the new Barden Bella; Emily" Jesse looked surprised, ever since the breakup Beca hadn't gone out with anyone. He was happy she had found someone, just like he had, but he just thought it was a bit wierd that Beca would be in-love or lusting for girl she had only just met...but then again Beca had changed alot since freshman year.

But Jesse was still confused on why he was being told this "Okay? But if you know all of this why don't you guys go confront her about it"? Fat Amy just gave him a 'You're such an idiot' look "You of all people know we can't do that Swanson. Beca is really good at masking her feeling if you haven't noticed."

Jesse knew Beca was stubborn from the first moment they met...I mean it took her all of their freshman year just for her to admit her feelings to him, and that one time where he tried to force her away from her mixes...he ended up with a broken knee cap and a black eye. But it made him happy knowing his ex-girlfriend's friends were trying to help her move on, and letting him know was definitely a good idea.

Jesse smiled "okay, what are we gonna do to get them together?" Chloe just smiled "we don't have to do anything, except push them in the right direction" Jesse understood what she was trying to say, they're basically going to doop Becs and Emily into a relationship. We all nodded at eachother, having finally settled a plan, Amy smile returned "Okay, Pitches! I offically announce 'Operation BecEmily' is underway".

Jesse knew Beca would probably kill him for this, when this is all said and done, but he knew she would end up thanking least that's what he hoped. But now that he has time to think, he realizes Emily was that girl at the freshman orientation...uh oh.

Jesse eyes had become the size of saucers, he knew he had to tell Amy and Chloe "um...guys...I I" Chloe was already annoyed by the TrebleMakers stuttering "Spit it out Jess"

He inhaled and exhaled, still looking at them with wide eyes "we may have an itty, bitty, little problem" Fat Amy eyes almost looked accusing "And what problem would that be"?

Jesse sighes "Benji has a crush on Emily as well".

Author Notes:

Yup, that's it for this chapter. The song used in this chapter is 'I gotta find you' from the 2008 disney movie 'Camp Rock', sung by Joe Jonas. Did you guys like Fat Amy's nicknames for everyone, and that Jesse's being really supportive. But from this point on, I could really use those chapter suggestions.

But Alas, the time has come again my Aca-brothers and Aca-sisters, where I must leave you. Can't wait to hear more from all of you. And sorry if this chapter is a bit rushed.

Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now