The Horse Keeper

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As Bridget opened the doors to the Manor, the warm air instantly hit her face making her close her eyes and smile. Working as a stable girl, was never an easy job as she was constantly working in the cold to take care of the horses, but Bridget didn't mind it. From a young age, Bridget had a special connection with animals, and was delighted to be offered a job in the palace where her mom was working.

"Hurry up girls! The guests will be here soon!" A cheery voice called out behind her. Bridget opened her eyes to see the foyer of the manor clean as a whistle. Three girls were polishing the grand, wooden staircases, as the other two were mopping the marble floor of the foyer. Bridget's head turned in the direction of the voice that had just spoken, and she smiled.

Standing there was a short, plump maid who was wearing an ecstatic expression on her face, evident that she was extremely excited to be part of hosting the ball. She was wearing a long black gown and a white apron, but the only difference was the badge pinned to her apron, indicating that she was the head of the cleaning department of the maids.

Spotting Bridget, the maid smiled and made her way over to the girl, "Bridget, darling, what are you doing here?" The maid cupped Bridget's face with her own hands and let out a small sigh, "Your face is as cold as ice!"

"Hi mum. I'm here to request the king for more hay. Word just spread to the stable department that the guests would be keeping their horses and carriages in our stables, and judging how much one horse eat, I probably have more horses than I have hay!" Bridget smiled and took a step back, examining the manor and then looking back at her mum, "You have done an extremely good job cleaning the manor mum."

"Thank you dear," The maid smiled warmly at her daughter, "Now, the king is to be found at the dining area, he is especially trying out the menu. If you do not find him, then put in a word with his personal butler, he will inform the king." The maid stood back and curtsied at her daughter, as all maids were expected to do at the guests. Bridget smiled and made her way to the dining room.

As she climbed up the stairs of the grand staircase, the noise started to fade, and a somewhat eerie silence was starting. By the time she had reached the dining room, it was dead silent. The door was slightly ajar, and Bridget peeped in. There she saw the king and his assassin having a serious discussion. Though all Bridget could hear was low murmurs, she assumed that the king was talking to the assassin about the night's protocol and what to do in the event of an attack or some threat.

She was about to turn around to leave when she stopped in her tracks when she heard the king speak. "And then after dinner is held, I will invite Mr. Thompson outside for a walk. You will have to hide in the bushes. When we get closer to you, you have to stand up and kill him. I will pretend that I found him murdered. You got it?"

The assassin said no word but nodded his head dutifully. Bridget opened her eyes wide, how could her king do that to someone? Suddenly, a hand was put on her shoulder and Bridget turned around in alarm, knocking over a vase in the process. There stood the kings personal butler. Bridget let out a terrified squeak and managed to mutter the word 'hay' as she ran away in fear.

As soon as she ran out of the Manor, she came face to a moderately tall young woman, wearing a long turquoise gown that reached up to her black heels. She had her auburn brown hair tied into a smart updo and held an expensive looking handbag in her hands. Next to her was a man about the same age as the woman. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie, his brown hair combed back, giving him a regal look.

"Excuse me miss, is this Darkwood Manor?" The male spoke first, slightly startling Bridget. Bridget smiled nervously and curtsied at them before replying. "Yes, this is Darkwood Manor. May I ask your names?"

"I am Matthew, Matthew Thompson" The man spoke, shaking Bridget's hand, "And this is my wife, Eleanor Thompson." Bridget's eyes widened and she took a step back, her body shaking in fear. Wordlessly, Bridget ran to the sables, leaving the Thompsons standing there in confusion. Luckily, one of the maids had accompanied them inside.

Bridget didn't stop running until she found herself in the stables. With a brush in one hand, she went up to the King's personal horse, a beautiful cream coloured horse with a golden mane and stunning black eyes, and began brushing its mane, calming Bridget down. After a while, she put the horse's hair into a braid and proceeded to feed the beautiful horse hay. Bridget began to stroke the muzzle of horse as, the horse was quietly chomping on the hay it was given.

Suddenly, without warning, the horse suddenly reared and let out a loud neigh. The horse starting acting crazy furiously bucking its hind legs everywhere. Bridget started shouting at the horse to calm down and took a step forward. The horse, feeling afraid, bucked at Bridget. The buck was so strong, Briget went flying in the air before banging her head on the steel table where the hay was originally kept.

Bridget put one hand to the back of her head weakly and felt something wet. She examined her hand and saw blood. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. She tried to shout, but it only came out as pained whispers. Suddenly a figure emerged from behind the horse, it was the assassin.

" Did you really think that I didn't notice you spy on the King and I back in the dining area? I have eyes and ears everywhere." The assassin pulled out a knife and began stroking it, while giving Bridget a twisted smile, "It's time for you to say goodbye."

With that, the assassin stuck the knife into Bridget's stomach and pulled it out, blood spilling everywhere. Bridget's heart stopped beating, as she let out one final breath. She was dead.

Now, on cold, calmnights, in the dead of night, if you're quiet enough, you can still hear thehorse neighing and Bridget shouting at the horse to calm down.

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