The prank

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Pip and Freddy woke up in there bedroom and to Freddy's surprise it's JPs birthday"Pip wake up!"Freddy said so excited that when pip woke up all he saw Freddy and his beak"Good morning pip"Freddy said very excited

The poor little guy was still tired but he replied "Morning" it was so then Freddy told pip " ITS JPS BIRTHDAY!!" The penguin sighed and said"Oh yay" he groaned and grabbed his pillow to put on his face

"Oh come on pip"Freddy said sadly the penguin sighed and said"give me 10 minutes to get up"Freddy wanted to pip to see JPs reaction so he told pip"5 Minutes ok?"pip said "ok" he sighed right before going back to sleep.

5 minutes later pip got up and started to get ready for the day a few minutes goes by and Freddy come in with bunch party stuff "Pip"the penguin looked at Freddy "yeah" Freddy was excited to tell pip this"JP NEEDS AP PARTY " the penguin looked him so confused his mind stopped working from a sec he looked at him again and said "What do you mean a party."

"Well I was thinking about what JP would want for birthday and that when I thought of a party"pip said "But JP has deliveries to do" Freddy was sad now that pip had told him that but then he thought of an idea"WELL WE'LL HIDE IN A BUSH"pip looked confused when he said that

"I have a bad feeling about this"pip thought. Once they went onto the bush something had fell on them it seem like some type of powder. Little did they know it was sneezing powder."Heh heh Heh"pip beak( or nose whatever you want to call it)started to hitch "what's wrong pip"Freddy said in curiosity"I...I'm...gonna.....sne...heh heh snheh"pip tried to talk but it was just to much sneeze powder. As pip's best friend he seem to understand.

"NO PLEASE DONT"Freddy was worried about pip why does he has to sneeze all a sudden? But then he had to sneeze "flah flah FLAHCHOO"Freddy covered his beak with some type of fear"What if we get caught" Freddy thought. So he said " let's get out of this bush".

Pip nodded and got out of the bush with His best friend. His saw one of his other best friends and her name is KC "HEHCHOO" KC saw pip sneeze so she said "Well bless you pip are you ok"pip looked at her and nodded he had all white powder on him so when KC saw she looked at pip in curiosity and said"pip what is all that white stuff on you"so the penguin looked at himself in curiosity too.

"I...I don't know"

Pip n Freddy with the terrible prankWhere stories live. Discover now