Chapter 1

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Quartet Knight

It was a thing he would do every day.

From his job, he would drive down a path he knew too well, all while making a stop at a flower shop to purchase whatever he deemed fanciful. Sometimes he would persuade his blonde bandmate to accompany him on the journey but more often than not, he would find himself companionless. It never bothered him though.

Afterall, he was Reiji Kotobuki and was known to be a burst of sunshine in gloomy weather.

The brunet got out of his little green car and skipped - yes, skipped - towards a house he often visited while humming his song, Dekkai Temptation. He rang the doorbell and patiently waited until a scientific-looking man opened the door for him.

"Hey Professor!"

"Ah Reiji! Good to see you!" The man greeted. "Please, come in. Are those for him?"

Reiji grinned. "Hai~! These caught my eye! Sunflowers brighten up any room!"

The brunet waved the sunflowers around, the other male chuckling at his childish behavior.

"You know, those'll die after a few days. There's hardly any sunlight in his room." The older male began.

"Yeah, but that only means that I'll have to visit again to replace the flowers!"

The two males laughed. The professor led them to a door downstairs and opened it, revealing a white room filled with scientific contraptions and whatnot. In the middle of the room was a bed occupied by a sleeping figure whose very sight made Reiji smile wistfully.

"Still no sign of him waking up?" The idol asked.

"I'm still waiting." The professor replied. "I'll give you some time."

The professor exited the room. Reiji stared at the embodiment of his painful regret - an idol in a deep, death-like slumber.

He was the one - the only one - who had the ability to bring tears to the brunet's eye. He was the only person capable of making Reiji feel sorrow yet at the same time, he was the very reason why the clown-sempai became the way he was now: happy, cheerful, and always smiling. The person was also like that before he became an agonizing spectacle. He was both the cloud and the silver lining in Reiji's blue sky.

The brown-haired idol approached the figure. He placed the sunflowers inside a near-by vase before he sat down next to the sleeping male.

Reiji held the other's hand and smiled.

"Hey, Aine..."


It was a quiet evening.

A tall, elegant male who went by the name of Camus was leaning against the railings of the balcony. Every now and then, he would take a sip from his glass of wine while admiring the beauty of the cold night.

"Such a night reminds me of Permafrost." The blonde noble said to no one in particular. "Its elegance can only be appreciated by those who truly understand it."

"Camus, who are you talking to?"

The count frowned as he directed his attention to the person who interrupted his monologue.

"Aijima...I thought I told you to go to bed." The count said with a glare.

Cecil pouted childishly. "You're still up. Why do I have to sleep early?"

Camus scoffed at his kouhai's behavior. "Fool. Do you not have a photoshoot tomorrow? You need to be well rested in order to flawlessly carry out what is expected of you. It is your duty as an idol."

"But Camus - "

"No buts! You can't use your title as prince against me. Now go to bed!"

Cecil let out a whine before taking his leave. Just as the prince left, lights and the sound of engine disturbed the tranquility of the night, much to Camus' annoyance. The blonde looked down to see who was responsible and saw no other than his fellow Quartet Night, Reiji.

Camus called his bandmate. "Kotobuki! You arrived late again."

"Ah, Myu-chan! You're still up?" Reiji responded sheepishly.

"You went to visit him again, correct?" Camus exclaimed, the edge in his voice waning. Upon seeing the brunet nod, the blonde said, "Meet me at the tea room. We shall talk there."

The prankster and the earl spent an hour conversing. One might say that it was a rare sight for the two to be talking normally without the noble asking the other to shut up.

"He's always so cheerful. You would never expect him to try to take his own life."

Camus looked at his companion. "You were no exception."

The brunet chuckled softly. "If I had known, I could've made it in time. I could've saved him."

Tension and silence reigned in the atmosphere. The eldest of the quartet grimaced at the thought of his shortcoming that guilt dwelled at the pit of his stomach.

"It wasn't your fault." The count stated in an attempt to console Reiji.

"I feel like it was." The brunet exclaimed, despair evident in his voice. "If only I answered my phone back then...maybe...maybe I..."

Camus listened to the incoherent mumblings of his companion. As much as the count wanted to reprimand the other for his inability to form proper sentences at the moment, the pitiful look on Reiji made Camus bite his tongue.

"I often asked myself, if travelling back in time was possible, if I could rewind the past,...will I be able to save him?"

The Permafrost noble had never seen the clown-sempai looked so...messed up. The brunet's cheery demeanor had been replaced by a low-spirited one that nobody would ever expect from the prankster of the group. The eldest sempai continued to pour his heart out and whether it was the alcohol talking or Reiji was really depressed, Camus decided it was high time the other went to sleep.

"You should head to your room. It's already late." Camus exclaimed. "Goodnight, Kotobuki."

The brunet managed to flash him a thankful smile before getting up and groggily making his was to his room. The blonde royal let out a sigh before he, too, took his leave.

"No doubt you will be able to save him if time were to spin in reverse, Kotobuki." Camus thought aloud. "But the real question is,"

Will you really risk a life, in favor of another?


When you rise up from the dead, there are actually several obstacles you have to encounter. I got bored and decided to take a nap. LOL. HELLO MY DEAR READERS! I AM TEMPORARILY BACK WITH A NEW STORY~! Teehee...this is the first time I wrote a genre like this so yay~! :D OOooohhh I wonder what the last sentence meant? Ohonhonhon ;3 /shot. BTW check out my account ( posted stuff there ^^ Mostly AixSyo. What? I never hated your ship >:(
See ya~!

Ps: Laptop being fixed. Yay! :D

Pss: It might take a while. Aww... :(

PSS: SHOUTA AOI insert_heart

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