Chapter 19

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Buggy is not expecting much of a reaction when he unveils the den den mushi but still, the kids' blank expressions are a bit underwhelming. Has Garp taught them nothing? Wait, does he never even call his grandkids? High ranking marines are issued personal baby den den mushis! He has no excuse! Except maybe keeping Ace away from any marine infrastructure. Maybe. Still, he is on fucking thin ice.

"Why is Slimy wearing numbers?" Luffy asks. He is the only one that doesn't look disappointed with it and he is already handing the snail some grass to chew on. "Isn't it heavy?"

"No, you could deatacht it but it's a pain to always be putting it back so it's been constructed to not harm or even bother him. Don't worry." Maybe he should see about getting it some complements too. Maybe a hat? He'll just get a magazine and let the kids choose, it's theirs after all. Though if they expect Buggy to pay they better choose within a reasonable range. "Sabo, can you mark this number?"

Sabo hesitates but he's too curious to not obey so he enters the number for the Big Top's den den in it. He pulls his hand away immediately when he sees the snail waking up and adopting a very familiar face. Buggy picks up the receiver.

"Who is foolish enough to call the Buggy Pirates?"

Buggy smiles. He hadn't wanted to scare his crew by calling the emergency den den mushi nor had he wanted to potentially risk his network by calling the number related to it without a white denden. So he had had to settle by the number he usually gave to overeager vendors and corrupt marines. Still, Mohji sounds particularly growly today.

"Is that the way to greet your captain?"

"Captain Buggy!" The scream almost makes the three kids jump out of their skins. Now both Ace and Sabo are sporting flabbergasted expressions which make Buggy feel a bit vindicated. "Did you lose your baby mushi? Are you okay? Do you need backup?"

Buggy laughs, a bit touched by his first mate's concern. "All's fine, I'm just showing the kids what a den den mushi is for."

"Kids? I thought it was only one."

"They multiply, apparently. Shanks so owes me a drink. Come on kids, say hi, that's my first mate on the line."

Sabo and Ace glare at him, clearly unimpressed with being bossed around. But Luffy just takes the receiver from him.

"Hi, I'm Monkey D Luffy, I'm going to be the King of the Pirates."

There's a minute of silence and Buggy is afraid Mohji will laugh and Ace and Sabo will find a way to punch him through the den den.

"Nice to meet you," Mohji says instead. He sounds almost formal which is kind of cute for an almost literal bear of a man. "I'm Mohji the Beast Tamer, First mate of the Buggy's pirates. And this here is Richie." The snail's face morphs for a second and seems to grow some hair.


It's only been a couple of days but he has to admit that he's missed that sound. "Richie! Have you been a good boy and kept everything in order while I was away, tough guy?"


"Well done. I hope Mohji and Cabaji haven't been making life too difficult for you."


"Yeah, I know, that's how they are. I'm just happy you are there to hold the fort."

Mohji's face is back and the snail pouts.

"Captain!! I know you can't speak lion. And it's cruel to gang up on me with Richie."

"Sorry, sorry. So how is everything with the crew, any problems?" If there had been Mohji would have called him last night but still, it doesn't hurt to check.

"Nahhh, an ex-pirate is opening a floating restaurant here in East Blue but we already connected him to the rest of the network and he seems like the good kind. And the Arlong pirates seem content to stay where they are for now, apparently they have some kind of deal with the marines which doesn't surprise me considering they are Jimbei's ex-nakamas. I suppose they just wanted to settle down in a sane sea, which is reasonable." Buggy nods, Jimbei had been a member of Neptune army and afterwards one of Tiger Fisher crew so he is a former subordinate of two men Buggy respects. Not to mention that he has an impeccable reputation and Shanks seal of approval. If Jimbei's nakama want a safe haven Buggy won't begrudge them or get in their way. Especially with the marines already keeping an eye on the situation.

"And the crew?"

"Bored but fine," Mohji shrugs. In the distance Buggy can hear some explosions. Oh, how he misses his crew. "Anyhow you said kids and I only talked to one! Where are the others?"

"Roar, roar!"

"I don't know if they want to talk," Buggy's smile is sly. "They are shy..."

Ace and Sabo's hands shut up, all but yanking the receiver from him. "I'm Ace!"

"I'm Sabo!"

The snail beams. "Nice to meet you kiddos, and thanks for keeping an eye on my Captain, he can be a bit much to handle sometimes."

"Yeah, we know," Sabo sighs. "But he got us breakfast so I guess we can tolerate him a while longer."

"You should pick him up soon, though," Ace adds. "Before we get so fed up we decide to drown him in the river."

Buggy sputters but Mohji laughs probably thinking the kid is just joking. "Feisty bunch you got there, Captain."

"They are my brothers!" Luffy tells him proudly. "We drank sake together!"

"Wait what?" Buggy can't believe what he is hearing. "Where did you get alcohol?! And why did you think it was a good idea to drink it?! Those kinds of drinks are not for kids and can stunt your growth! Not to mention that they are addictive and make you sloppier which is dangerous if you have to fight or protect yourselves."

How Shanks is still alive when he probably hasn't been sober since Captain's execution, Buggy will never know.

"It was just a cup each!" Ace protest loudly.

"Yeah, we are not idiots, we wouldn't have gotten smashed." Sabo comfirms.

"And it's not our fault Dadan let us steal it," Luffy tells him.

Buggy sighs, loud and long. "Alright, alright but no more alcohol until you are older, okay? And no, I'm not forbidding you," he raises a hand when Ace and Sabo look ready to go raid the nearest liquor store. "I am just asking because it's really very bad for your health."

"It also tastes nasty," Luffy agrees, grimacing at the memory.

"Yeah, we didn't want more anyway." Sabo crosses his arms.

Ace nods. "It was just to become brothers."

The Mohji-mushi looks like he is trying not to laugh and Buggy wants to throttle his first mate. Does he not see how this is a problem? Especially considering that the three of them are already in complicated emotional situations. One is clearly depressed, the other had been lonely enough to worry Shanks and the third came from a household bad enough to have to run away. Sure, let's throw alcohol into the mix, what could possibly go wrong?

He is about to berate his first mate when he hears another voice coming from the den den mushi. "It's your turn to keep watch, you can't slack off just because Captain left you in charge."

"Cabaji is right," Buggy says because he is and definitely not because Mohji seems to find the thought of his brats getting alcohol poison hilarious. "And I have a promise to keep anyway. I'll talk to you later."

"Fine," Mohji grumbles. "But please call us before you set sail this time."

He can at least do that much for his worrywart of a crew. "Promise."

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