Ch5- Stay By Your Side.

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Next Day in the Dance Practice Room-

Strong and loud foot steps and screeching sound of the floor could be heard inside where the seven boys are trying their best to cope up with the new hard choreography while their choreographer nim is observing their practice from behind, whose eyes were specially on Sunoo...
(In the background plays Bite me...🎶It's you and me in this world......bite me....🎶)when suddenly the choreographer nim shouted-

Choreographer nim- (in a rough tone) stop(×3)!!!!...(sounding disappointed)all the guys back off except for Kim Sunoo.

Sunoo- (surprised)me???

Choreographer nim-!!!let's see you doing solo.
When the choreographer suddenly asked them to stop and told Sunoo to do solo... everyone looked surprised at the sudden reaction of the choreographer. But they backed off as the choreographer asked them to do so.

Bite me started playing in the background and Sunoo started dancing nervously...while dancing he could feel the stare of the choreographer at him which made him more nervous. When Sunoo was just about to do the hook step of the choreo the choreographer suddenly shouted again..

Choreographer nim- (angrily) stop!!! hyaa Kim Sunoo do u even know what u r doing right now..huh?

Sunoo- (startled and confused Sunoo) s..sir???
Choreographer nim- (sighed in disappointment) it again!!!the hook step with more power...
The way the choreographer suddenly shouted at sunoo left everyone in the room confused and startled especially sunoo who felt embarassed to be shouted at infront of others and got flashbacks about what the choreographer nim told him the previous day...and all of this made Sunghoon furious as he already knew why the choreographer asked sunoo to do that.

Sunoo- (started dancing again nervously and suddenly when he was about to do a jump he fell down on the floor very hard)ahhhh!!!
All the boys panicked when sunoo fell down fearing that he got injured...and riched out to him to help him get up immediately...
Jungwon - hyung are u ok??are u hurt??
Sunoo- hurts??it is hurting a lot...aah..aah!!
Heesung - where? where does it hurt??
Sunoo- (in a weak voice and in pain)my leg!!it hurts...!!
Sunghoon - Sunooya hold my arm and try to get up let's take you to the medical room...
Sunoo- hyung I...I can't move my leg!!
Jay- try to get up Sunooya!!c'mon hold our hands and try to stand..
Niki- Let me go and call the medical team (Niki rushed out of the room to call the med team)
While everyone is helping Sunoo to get up...the choreographer standing there instead of calling the medical team for help starts shouting at the injured Sunoo.

Choreographer nim- hyaaa...Kim Sunoo...why the hell did u fall huh??don't u know that the KMAs in one week...?now what will I do with your performance if u hurt your leg huh...?don't u have any energy?have u been starving from months or what??? seriously this punk....
Sunghoon- (furiously)choreographer nim please can u stop yelling at him!!!...can't u see he is hurt..?

Choreographer nim- so what should I do if his hurt...tell the KMAs to cancel the show ..?and how dare u to talk to me like that?..gosh this slacking off can a boy be this weak??why did you become an idol if u can't even do a few steps properly...?
On one hand when the choreographer was still yelling at the poor sunoo...sunoo and others were still struggling to get sunoo up on his feet and just when he was about to stand up a little sunoo started feeling dizzy may be out of pain and exhaustion..the members and everything started looking hazy in sunoo's eyes and before he could say anything Sunoo collapsed on the member's arms. Everyone started panicking again...

Sunghoon - sunooyaa!!! Sunooya!! can u hear me??Sunooya!!( tapping at sunoo's face in order to wake him up)
Just after some moments NiKi along with the med team entered the room and they rushed him to a nearby hospital...

In the Hospital -

It was already evening when Sunoo was rushed to the hospital, once they reached hospital the doctor checked Sunoo and told the guys-

Doctor - it seems like he hasn't been eating well for long...did u guys ever saw him skipping meals?
Sunghoon - yes doctor...a few weeks ago when we had a meeting with our production unit...sunoo was told to lose some weight and so after that he was on a strict one meal he skipped meals often.
Doctor - seems like he collapsed because of malnutrition and exhaustion...u all r idols so I can understand how important it is to look fit and good everyday,but u all should also take care of your health and eat well. In case of sunoo he looked quite weak because of the deficiency of protein and vitamins...and for artists like you all who needs to be active and energetic all the time,sufficient protein intake is very important. So I think the main reason he collapsed is not because of his leg injury but because of his exhaustion and because he is not eating well. He must rest and eat well.
Heesung - can we take him back to our dorm doctor?
Doctor - as of now I won't suggest you all to take him back with you.. because we need to observe him for a night just to know if he has any other health issues..and because of the medication we've given to him..he might not wake up from his unconsciousness now...he needs to rest...once he wakes up he can get discharged after some tests and check ups.
Sunghoon - what about his leg doctor? Is it ok?
Doctor - it's not!...seems like he cramped his left foot while performing and when he fell down he injured it...there is a small fracture in his left leg but thankfully it's not very serious...he needs to bed rest for around 3 weeks and he'll be able to walk again after he completes his physiotherapy sessions.
Sunghoon - (bows)thank you doctor..
Doctor - it's ok that's my duty..but if u guys don't want to end up like him then make sure to eat well.
All the six boys give awkward smiles to the doctor and bows down thanking her when she was leaving the VIP room.

All the boys looked at Sunoo who was lying unconscious in the bed...with plasters in his left leg and felt sad because they were seeing their sunshine who always keeps smiling in so much pain.

Niki- so what do we do now? Can't we take sunoo hyung back with us tonight? Won't he be able to perform with us in the KMAs?
Jay- didn't u hear what the doctor said just now...he needs to rest.
Sunghoon - did anyone notice sunoo skipping his meals today again after he had dinner with us last night?
Jungwon - now that I think about when we were in a hurry for our practice session in the morning,we all had Breakfast but I didn't see sunoo hyung having breakfast with us.
Niki- I didn't see him in the cafeteria during our lunch break today too..he said he will go to the washroom first and join us later...but he didn't come.
Jake- why are u both saying this to us now...if u both had seen him skipping meals u should have atleast told us..u know how adamant sunoo is about his diet.
Jungwon - (sad)sorry hyung I must have forgotten in hurry.
Niki- Me too...
Sunoo's Manager- you guys should leave now it's already very late...u all have busy schedules tomorrow...I'll stay with Sunoo.
Heesung - I'll stay back with you too manager nim.
Sunghoon - No Heesung hyung...u and everyone must head back to dorm now..I'll handle it here.
Heesung - but how will you hand....?(interupted by Sunghoon)
Sunghoon - it's ok hyung don't worry...I'll manage it..u are the oldest one here so just in case if PD nim (producer nim) calls for an explanation about today u must explain him everything well, Jungwonah is still young so u must be there with him...
Heesung - fine then I'll leave with me if u need something and if sunoo wakes up.
Jungwon - and hyung don't worry about informing sunoo hyung's parents...I will do that.
Sunghoon - alright Jungwonah.

With that all of them bid bye to Sunghoon and leave for their dorm.

Sunoo's Manager- why did u not leave with them don't u have a schedule tomorrow too...pd nim will yell at u..
Sunghoon - it's ok manager nim...I will handle it later..sunoo needs to be taken care of now..and for me nothing matters more than my members...
Sunoo's Manager- but...
Sunghoon - (hushed the manager) shuushh! Please be'll wake him up.

Just like that Sunghoon was there sitting beside Sunoo all night, caressing his hair and taking care of him.
Sunghoon - (holds sunoo's hand and whispers) your hyung is here please wake up and get well soon!!

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