Chapter 2

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Draco and Blaise hide inside one of the empty classrooms near the Gryffindor tower. From their position, they have a perfect view of everyone that goes in and out of the lion’s den. Though Blaise had no idea how Draco would manage to convince the two Gryffindor to talk to him.

Just then the two said Gryffindor entered the hallway from the great hall, Draco was about to come out of hiding when Smith from Hufflepuff appeared from one of the dark alcoves and harshly grabbed Weasley slamming him in the wall.

“Where is Harry? I know that you and Granger help him escape,” Smith snarled angrily, pinning the redhead Gryffindor on the wall, while Granger was trying to pull the Hufflepuff away from Weasley.

Much to Blaise’s surprise, Weasley pushed Smith and the shocked Hufflepuff was thrown into the opposite wall.

Hermione huffed in irritation “I told you to let him go,”

Weasley stalked towards Smith with a smirk on his face “You’re really a fool, Smith. Of course, it was us who helped Harry escape. Though after you raped him and helped Dumbledore try to terminate his baby do you really think we’re going to tell you where he is? So now that you know it was us, what are you going to do?”

“Dumbledore will punish you for this, maybe I’ll suggest that he banish you both to the muggle world and bind your magic,” Smith declared smugly but his confidence quickly vanished when he noticed that instead of feeling threatened the two Gryffindor was smiling at him sweetly which confused him to no end. Blaise was confused as well as he knew Granger adored the wizarding world and Weasley is pure blood and he was not sure he could survive in the muggle world much more with their magic bound.

“Oh, do go on, Smith.” Hermione started sweetly. Then her sweet smile immediately morphed into a devious smirk “please do so, but do remember this. We might not be here anymore, which by the way we don’t give a damn as Harry is not here anymore. But Ginny and the twins are still here. And let’s not forget Percy, Charlie, and Bill. You know how much they love and adore Harry right?”

“And of course,” Ron abruptly cut whatever Smith was about to say “if something happened to us, our memory of what you and Dumbledore did to Harry will be sent to someone whom we are certain would be beyond furious when they found out what you both did to Harry. We will drag you and Dumbledore to the mud if it’s the last thing we could do for Harry,” the redhead Gryffindor ended giving one last look of disdain to Smith as they walked towards their tower leaving a seething Hufflepuff behind.

But before they could reach the entrance to their tower they heard a grunt of pain behind them spun around just in time to see Draco tucking his wand back and Smith was on the floor unconscious.

“I will deal with you later. You will pay for what you did to my brother,” stated the Malfoy heir coldly. He then stalked towards the two surprised Gryffindor grabbing Ron’s hand and dragging him inside the empty classroom locking and silencing the door behind. Trusting Blaise and Granger to guard the door for them.

“Draco?” Ron squeaked in surprise when the blond Slytherin pinned him on the wall but not like the harshed way that Smith did earlier.

“Oh, so I’m Draco now? You avoided me like a plaque for over a month, and now all of a sudden you’re acting like nothing happened?” Draco hissed angrily but Ron could see the pain in those stormy grey eyes.

The redhead Gryffindor flushed red in embarrassment and guilt. He knew he had hurt the Slytherin and he was a coward. He was afraid of what his friends and family would say. Hermione had been very angry at him when she found out what he had been doing. And he was certain that Harry would be as well much more now that they found out that he was Draco’s twin.

“I’m sorry, I know what I did cause you pain,”

“Damn right, you did,” Draco snapped irritably, but the anger was obviously gone now “ I begged you, Ronald, to give me a chance to prove to you that I am worth it. But what did you do? Not only you avoided me, but also let that Brown bitch attach herself to you. Do you really hate me that much?”

“NO! Merlin Draco. That one week we’ve spent together was the happiest I’ve ever been,”

“Then why?”


“Because I'm a fool. So much for being a brave Gryffindor, I’m a coward. I’m afraid that somehow someday you’ll change your mind. I don’t think I could handle that, Draco. I’m very sure that I’ve already fallen in love with you and uhmm-”

Ron wasn’t able to finish what he was saying as Draco suddenly surged forward and claimed his lips in a bruising kiss. Surprise at the start but it only takes a second for Ron to respond. Wrapping his arms around his mate’s neck and pulling him closer pressing their bodies tightly and kissed Draco with equal fervor. Merlin, but he misses this. His taste, his scent, his touch. All too soon much to Ron’s disappointment with last lingering kiss Draco slowly pulls away resting his forehead against Ron.

“Don’t do it again you stupid Gryffindor,” Draco chastised softly wrapping both arms around the redheads waist hugging him tightly.

Ron nodded in agreement “I promise. I swear I’ll never do it again. I’ll make it up to you. Thank you for giv-” he was cut off again by Draco giving him another soft kiss.

“It’s over now. All that matters is your back and I’ll never let you go ever again. Though as much as I wanted nothing else but to ravish you, I’m really here because of Lucien,” Draco stated regretfully slightly pulling away from his mate but still not letting him go.

“Is he okay? We were worried when we left him last night,” Ron asked worriedly, thankful that Draco didn’t pull away entirely.

“He is stable now, as well as the baby. But he had fallen into a coma. But Daphne and Pansy said that in a couple of days he will certainly regain his consciousness,”

“Oh, thank Merlin,” The redhead sigh in relief.

“The baby’s sire, do you know who it is? I was unaware Lucien was involved with anyone. And why is he not with Lucien? ,” Draco inquired curiously

“ Bill is also missing,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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