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have been working nonstop on the Ei book recently
!! second pov

Arlecchino holds her head in her hand, glaring at the floor. Her heart stings. So bad that Columbina's comforting isn't even helping. It's weird for her to be going through this, especially with you. She was so... confident this wouldn't happen. "Was I wrong for kissing her..?" She murmurs over to Columbina.

The smaller girl shakes her head. "Of course not... You said she asked you first, so—"

"I know but," Arlecchino leans back completely on the sofa, Columbina's hand coming back to her own body. "She... she left. Does she hate me now? I feel like I ruined our friendship by doing that.."

Columbina smacks her knee, slightly jolting her up. "Don't say that!" She sharply shakes her head. "Y/n is..she's probably feeling very conflicted now, with everything going on between her and Rosalyne."

Arlecchino huffs. "But clearly I'd treat Y/n better than her!"

"I'm sure she you would," Columbina frowns. "But the grip Rosalyne has on Y/n is bad. I don't even know the full extent of it, but we both know how Rosalyne is. And we both know how Y/n is."

Arlecchino's hand raises to hold her face tightly, a deep breath being exhaled. She's silent for a few moments, and when she does speak her voice is quiet. "I..understand. I get it."

Columbina leans forward, wrapping her arms around Arlecchino with a sigh. "Relax Arly, it'll be okay."

But Arlecchino can't relax. Her hand falls to her phone, gripping it as she hastily clicks to her messages.

She's far too worried about you.


"Arlecchino," Her body visibly stiffens when she hears her name called. Arlecchino's hand grips, her body turning to spot a familiar, yet rare, face. She nods her way.

"Rosaria, it's been a while." She mumbles, watching the elusive woman make her way across from her, taking the seat there. She offers her the cup of coffee she's ordered for her, and Rosaria accepts it.

"It truly has," Rosaria nods. "So what do you need?"

Arlecchino's eyes watch the table. "Rosalyne. You seen her in a bit?"

Rosaria leans on her hand with an unimpressed face, although, her face is always unimpressed. She hums in response. "Depends on what kind of 'seen' you're referencing."

"Don't okay stupid with me," The fair headed girl rolls her eyes, shooting a look up at Rosaria. "Have you seen her or not?"

A sigh falls from the other girl, as she leans back against her chair. Her hand sways lazily with the coffee in hand. "What if I have?" Her head tilts. "What? You like or something? Hate to tell you this, but Rosalyne is definitely not the relationship type."

Arlecchino's eyes flash. "Why do you say that?"

"Oh come on," Rosaria pushes forward with a raised brow. "Haven't you seen her? She's with a new girl every week. In highschool she was literally known for it."

Arlecchino's brows knit together. If Rosalyne was known for such a thing...then why were you with her. "You went to her highschool?" Rosaria nods, Arlecchino continues. "So then you must know Y/n, right?"

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