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Mara was known as Mouse's daughter, and business partner. She never understood why she had to help Mouse since he had Custer, but she didn't really ask any questions. Other than their drug deal relashionship, they never really talked. He didn't care or ask where Mara went, except if they had business to do on that exact day. So she didn't really like her father.
"Mar hurry the fuck up we gta go do business,ion give a shit about no five minutes" Mouse complained.

As i walk down the stairs i see my dad a bit angry, i ignore it and wave at custer. I didn't know where we were going but i also really didn't care, as long as we came out safe.

"Mar get outta the car let's go"

I realised we were at Fezco's house, i like Fez. He was calm, unlike most people. But when we entered he wasn't there.However i saw his brother who didn't really like me, but i ignored it and just stood still.

"You're late" my dad complained.

"We got caught dealing with some bullshit" Fez

"I heard you got raided" my dad continued the small talk.

raided? what the fuck

"They ain't find nothing though, they ain't got shit on me" and as soon as he caught his breath again he greeted me.

"Hey F-" i got cut off by the scream of my dad and custer. Quickly i saw my dad with blood running down his head, he looked hopeless, dead, he was dead. Tears rolled down my face while i was in shock. What was i gonna do now? I had to keep the business going with fucking custer man fucking custer.

"Yo bro what the fuck man? Ash you just killed Mar's father bro." Fez was talking to ash, but he didn't sound mad,and ash didn't say a word.

"Bro that's my fucking dad what the fuck man" i said with tears rolling down my face.

Nobody said anything, and custer was still screaming in pain since his nose was broken. But soon enough we got out of the house, just this time the two of us. Custer dropped me home without saying a word, without even looking at me. But i didn't either i just walked home, still in shock.
Later that night, weirdly it didn't feel weird without Mouse, he was barely home either way. But i had been expecting a call from Fez or Ash, atleast apologizing or explaining why ash did what he did. However i was seeing them again on new years, i've decided to keep the business going. so  custer, me, fez and my dad's killer were meeting up at some sketchy place doing business with a weird fucking grandma who looks like a human trafficker. Her name was Laurie.
New years had come, and me custer and his new girlfriend fay were waiting for the two  brothers.

Soon enough Fez gets out of the car, and the first person he looked at was me, he looked at me with guilt in his eyes. I wasn't really mad at Fez,more at ash, but it would be immature starting a fight right now.

"Who the fuck is this, man?" Fez asked.
"Hi i'm Faye"
"What is she doing here?"
"Nah,nah,bro,that's my fucking girl"

"Whatever man, let's just do this" Fez said, sounding annoyed.

I didn't get why he was annoyed, Faye was genuienly nice, and i didn't get why Faye had to go in the car where Rue was.
Fez went over to the car and got ashtray, without a word, we went.

"So who is this dude?"Fez said. fucking idiot this is the granny.

"Fez this ain't a dude, her name is Laurie." i said as if it wasn't obvious she wasn't a woman.And then i continued, " She's a little bit of a trip, used to be a school teacher."

"But there ain't no money in that, just let me do the talking" Custer continued as i stayed next to ash awkwardly.

*meanwhile in the car"

"My girlfriend, at the fucking train station, she left me, straight up"

"She left you at a fucking train station?"

"Yeah i was like crying"

"What a fucking cunt"


Then this happened, fucking Faye and her heroin addiction, pulled out a lil mint box, your time to guess what it had inside.

"Um i don't think...i wouldn't do that here"

"It's just heroin"

"Yeah no i see that. But maybe, like i don't know, i just feel like this isn't the best place to do that."


"I just feel this is not the time to be doing that"

"Listen i know what you fucking are,junkie-ass bitch,and you're probably fucking
eating that ginger's ass for fuckin' oxys or
whatever the fuck you're into.Fuckin' junkie-ass bitch Fuckin'..." faye continued to insult her.

"Yo what rhe fuck are you doing?" rue said shockingly"

Guess what the fuck jules was doing. Hint: her vagina &heroin. Rue continued complaining until these two guys pulled them both out and brought us where we all met ewchother again.
I had only known what Faye did because rue told me later on though, but right not i definitely thought it was Rue's fault.

"You come to my motherfucking house with two fucking twelve year olds, two junkie whores and a motherfucker i don't know?" said the scary guy. I got offended by the way he thought i was 12, me and my dads killer are the same age (15), like i understand ashtray looking twelve but me?!ME?!

"You out of your fucking mind" the guy continued.

"I'm on fucking probation"
"me too"

"We're not involved with any illegal activity,we don't associate anybody involved in illegal activity.And Laurie over there?Laurie don't deserve this shit" he started yelling.

"Brucey" Laurie moaned at him.

Oh really this fucking scary guy's name is brucey?

"Alright check this out, all of u let's get naked right fucking now."

I'm in fucking high school?So is RUE.

"Except for you keep your shit on man" Bruce said when ashtray started undressing.

"Take him and mouse's daughter down the closet, bro doesent like how mouse does business but brings his daughter out here? SHE HIS PARTNER. for life on God bro."

When Bruce said these words i got a sudden pain in my chest, the realisation. He's actually gone. My thoughts were cut off when me and ashtray were tightly grabbed by the arm and put in a closet, together.

Authors note:
Should i keep writing everything this long?

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