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As i poured another shot into my cup and chugged it, i felt someone shout my name.And it was maddy.


"Hey Maddy, how are you?"

"Well i broke up with Nate, again, but fuck him, wanna drink?"

"Already started but come"

And as we started drinking, me drinking way more than Maddy, i soon  found myself drunk. I hated it, i hated it when i was drunk, because i'd turn full on depressed, more than usual, and i'd remember everything i've done in the past, the past i've tried to forget multiple times.So i sat down the couch, finding myself next to ashtray.

"Mar are you good?" ashtray asked in a kind of worried voice.

"Why do you care? It's not like all those years i've known you, you ever said a word to me, Ash."

"Why would i ever? You are just a dealer."

"Just a dealer? Ashtray we're 15 and been business partners for Drugs that's not normal. I thought we would become friends since we had a lot in common, but i guess not, you decided to kill my dad."

"Mar, i'm really sorry i told you i was trying to protect Fez. And you should get it if you say we have much in common. You're not even saying your words right, you're fucking drunk. You don't wanna be my friend." Ashtray started explaining.But  ofcourse  i  had passed out.

Me and Mar were now both sitting on the couch, except that i was sober and she drank a lot. For the past five minutes she had been explaining to me how she thought we could be friends before i killed her dad. I feel bad, and really guilty, but i can't do anything now but i guess take care of her.

"Mar, i'm really sorry i told you i was trying to protect Fez. And you should get it if you say we have much in common. You're not even saying your words right, you're fucking drunk. You don't wanna be my friend." i said, as the last sentence hurt my chest.

I really wanted to be her friend i really did but i never found the words. As i looked over waiting for her answer, she had passed out. Fuck. Fez is calling me. How is she gonna get home. Does she have a mother? Does she live alone?Either way i have to answer.

"Yo, what's good?"
"Start the car and be ready man" Fez said over the phone.
"Yo wait but can you also give Mar a ride home?Shes hella drunk and passed out"
"No problem dude just take rue and Mar and start the car" fez ended the conversation.

"Alright Mar stay rightttt here."I said acting as if she could hear me.

I went over to rue Asking for help since i can't run to the car and carry mar.

"Yo rue Fez said if you need a ride home now is ur time to come, and i also need your help with Mara, she's getting a ride home too except the fact that she's passed out and i need u to carry her." i said basically begging rue to come.

"Sounds like Mar, igh lead me to the way where she is and let's go."

As rue picked up mara and we all went to the car, Fez was going to beat the living shit out of Nate.
*In the kitchen*

Fezco: Excuse me.What's up man you havin a good time?

Nate: Yeah, You make any new year resolutions?

Fezco: No, you?

Nate: The last time we talked, didn't you say you wanted to kill me?

Fezco: Yeah well, it's a new year playboy.

And right as Fez said that he crashed a big glass bottle on Nate's head and started beating the living shit out of him. Weirdly Cassie looked more worried than Maddy.
Ashtrays Pov:

"Yo ash ash we gotta go now"
And as soon as i heard that, i knew it happened, i had started the car and exchanged seats with Fez. Looking at Mar through the mirror. How can she be so effortlessly pretty? Nevermind i cant say that i killed her dad.

"Yo rue you know where she lives?" i asked Rue.


"And you Fez?" i asked hoping he said yes.

"Nah man either way if i knew i cant bring her to her house like this, ion know if she gotta mom." Fez replied, "We taking her w us after we dropping Rue"

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