At feather's tip

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She stopped the brushing and the feather pendulum after countless minutes. In the dimly lit chamber, the Duchess gazed at Hector with a mixture of excitement and triumph in her eyes, as she softly tread towards the side of his bed."And now my dear, only with your permission" She said softly, as she tugged at his pants.Hector, sweat covering his torso and breathing heavily, looked at her. A strange intensity in his eyes; no longer of anger, but of something yet to be discovered by them both. Slowly, he nodded his approval. "I cannot deny a lady such a simple request" he said simply. She giggled excitedly. As she slowly removed his pants, cutting through the fabric with a delicate precision, his masculine form was gradually revealed to her eager gaze. Hector's strong, well-built torso and legs now fully exposed, and he lay there, his breathing heavy and his body tense with anticipation.The Duchess couldn't help but admire the sight before her, the contours of his muscles and the smoothness of his skin. Her heart raced with excitement, knowing that she had the powerful, haughty Hector at her mercy."My, my, Hector," she purred, her voice low and seductive, "you truly are a sight to behold."Hector, though restrained, still exuded a sense of pride and dignity, even in this vulnerable state. His small smile betrayed a hint of excitement, but he remained defiant in his demeanor.Undeterred, the Duchess whispered tenderly in his ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine, "You know, my dear, all of this can end if you simply say the words I want to hear. Just a few simple words, and you'll be free from all of this."Hector's eyes met hers, his expression resolute. "You'll have to do what you must," he replied, his voice a mix of defiance and intrigue.The Duchess couldn't help but be thrilled by his response. His unwillingness to surrender only fueled her excitement further. She tugged at his underwear, lifting a questioning eyebrow at him. He actually chuckled reluctantly, and nodded softly.With a playful giggle, she removed his underpants, revealing his fully aroused state. Her eyes sparkled with delight at the sight, and she felt a surge of power knowing that she had elicited such a response from the formidable Hector."Such a strong and proud man," she whispered, her voice laced with seduction. "But even the mightiest have their vulnerabilities."She took a long, elegant feather from the table, and began to stroke Hector with it.As the soft, delicate feather traced its way from Hector's inner thighs, stroking his scrotum ever so slowly, and finally to the tip of his manhood, he couldn't contain the mixture of laughter and moans that escaped his lips. The sensations were both tantalizing and maddening, sending waves of pleasure through his body as he squirmed helplessly.The Duchess's eyes sparkled with mischief and delight as she watched Hector's tower of virility tremble and pulse with each teasing stroke of the feather. She reveled in the power she held over him, relishing the way he responded to her every touch.In the midst of his delicious torment, Hector managed to find his voice, his deep moans intermingling with laughter. "Anne," he gasped, using her name for the first time that night, "I may not say what you wish to hear, but I will admit this much - you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life."The Duchess blushed furiously, a mix of surprise and pleasure washing over her. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at his words, the genuine compliment stirring something deep within her.Yet, she maintained her playful demeanor, teasingly responding, "Oh, is that so, Hector? Well, flattery will get you nowhere, my dear."With that, she continued her teasing assault, the feather dancing along his sensitive skin, driving him to the brink of pleasure and torment. Hector's laughter and moans filled the room, the sound of his pleasure echoing in her ears.The Duchess couldn't deny the intoxicating effect he had on her, his vulnerability and strength combined making him all the more irresistible. As she continued to tease and tantalize him, she couldn't help but wonder if she could truly break through his resolve and make him yield to her desires.

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