The one after Jack A wedding

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Hi! So I plan to write short stories of Haylor interactions based on real news / situations.

Guess you all have seen the video/news of TS fans congregating outside Jack A wedding rehearsal venue.
This is an interaction after the news emerged.
I have massive respect for both TS and HS as people and artists, just using their famous personas as characters here. It's all fictional and just for fun and entertainment purposes, so please don't come after me 😆

Also, I am new to this app, fanfictions and useless when it comes to tech. So any constructive feedback & advise is welcomed! Thx in advance.

"Hey, saw what happened on the news. Are you ok? Call me?. Love, H"

She stared at the text message she had received nearly an hour ago.
She was seating on her bed, still fully dressed even though she had been home for a few hours. Mainly overthinking and disliking herself.

3am. She read on the phone screen. What time is it in London?. She paused to think and hesitated for a second, before pressing the call button.

"Hey" his voice sounded raspy and she listened as he moved, most probably in bed. "Sorry, did I wake you?".

"No, it's fine" he replied coughing slightly to clear his voice "You ok?"
She sensed the worry on his voice and suddenly overcome with emotion could not contain the tears anymore.

She covered her eyes with her free hand as she sobbed silently. He heard the muffled cry and sat up on the bed.

"I feel shit" she said. "I ruined Jack's day". He pressed his lips on a thin line. "You didn't" he replied reassuring "and this is not on you, you were just attending your friend's wedding. As you should".

She sighed loudly composing herself. And he allowed her time to do so.
"When did this fame thing become so crazy?" She asked rhetorically, and he smiled to himself, fully understanding the sentiment.

It was once fun when they had just started their careers, more than a decade ago now. At some point though it had all blown so out of proportion that each their lives now were basically divided into two: public live and in-secret live. It was all or nothing. And marrying both in their heads felt like an impossible task at times. Leaving each of them quite shaken.

"I mean, I love what I do, I would not change it for the world" she continued "but sometimes I don't think I will ever learn to live like this. Is it bad that sometimes I want all of my life back?"
He knew the feeling "No. After today, It's reasonable you feel this way. It will all calm down once the tour is over".

He was right and she felt seen, and smiled at the comforting thought, and also at the memory of the pictures of him walking around London with his new love interest, that she had scrolled through on Instagram a few days before.
"Really?" She added smiling and then teasingly "and how is that working for you Mr. Styles?" He chuckled at the pun, and smiled to himself, a dimpled wide smile, because he loved hearing that laugh in her words.
"Those pictures may or may have not been staged. So they leave me alone for a while" he confessed. "Also, you would know how to disappear if you wanted to".

That She knew, she thought. She had managed to keep a 6y relationship under wraps after all.
Her mind flew then to her ex, and the loneliness she had been seating on since he left, crept in.
"I know, but it's not the same now, it's too hard doing it all on my own" she let go before realising the vulnerability her words showed and instantly regretting her confession.
But her words were safe with him.

He emphasised with her, and the loneliness he had learnt to live with since early fame days, and how it had pushed him to keep himself always busy, always surrounded by people, always with someone.

"You could come and hide with me" he offered earnestly. No tease in his voice.
She smiled sadly at it. "I wish I could" she thought to herself. But she knew well what that would lead to, and it had taken them nearly a decade to put their failed attempt at a relationship behind, forgive their wrong doings, and accept it was best to stay in this kind of friendship status they shared now.

They were free to reach out to each other when their lives became unbearable, empty, confused and they needed the support, and kindness of someone else who understood without judgement.
She treasured having him back in her life, even if it was just like this. She did not want to risk losing him again.

"Tempting, but I'm in Mexico in a week, 5 shows" he nodded silently, he knew there was a very slim chance she would have agreed to meet. She was just out of a relationship, he was out of a painful one too and the odds were not in their favour once again.

"Will you make it to the VMAs?" He asked. They both had main nominations this year. "I should" she said reclining on the bedpost.
"May see you there then" he added. She closed her eyes and smiled inwardly at the idea of meeting him again.
They had crossed paths in public in 2 awards shows lately and the media and their fandoms had barely coped with it. She hoped with time and regular simple public interactions the world would get used to them again, and maybe they could move on to a normal friendship. Then maybe she could attend one of his shows, and he could come to hers in London.

"Just don't wear grey" she mentioned suddenly, thinking of the grey Valentino gown she had chosen with her stylist for the occasion.
"Why?" He asked laughing, understanding perfectly. "Maybe just a touch, you know, gotta give them something to talk about" he added jokingly and she rolled her eyes "I mean it". She said.
"Sure" he answered already making a mental note to ensure there was grey on his outfit for the night.

"Thanks for this" she said then earnestly. He had once more managed to make her laugh and forget all the anxiety and inside turmoil of the day.
"I love you" was the feeling and first thought that came out of nowhere into his mind, surprising himself, the words burning on his tongue. "Anytime" he said instead.
"Let's talk soon Styles" she added casually. "And don't take too long before getting back to work".
He chuckled. "We are not all workaholics as you are Swift"
"Keep telling that to yourself, baby" she said and he smiled openly at the endearment. "Maybe one day", he thought. "Good night Tay"
"Good night Harry"


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