panik disorder

5 1 0

i'm scared, scared like i've never been

of what you may ask 

i don't know... 




its an out of body experience 

i'm out of control 

 my hands are shaking 

i'm shaking

and then suddenly the world starts spinning 

my vision blurry

why? just why me?

can't breath, don't even want to breath

fear, fear like i've never felt

taking over my body

consuming my thoughts

the split change in enthusiasm to pessimism is devastating

The feeling off falling right before the crash 

The fear, before the numbness takes over 

Before the inevitable happens 

Before the crash that leaves nothing but broken bones 


that's how I feel 

like there isn't any way back 

back to how it used be 

but that isn't true 

in a couple of minutes i'll be fine again 

i'll be me again 

and i'll find everything amusing, again 

but right now there is no light 

nothing amusing in what's happening 

but in a couple of minutes 

when i'm me again 

it will be 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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