Chapter 1.

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Lance's POV (3rd person, before finding voltron)

      Lance was in his room at the Garrison looking at the wall.

      He was wondering what the world is like beyond Earth. Lance has always loved stars and the night sky. He joined the Garrison so he could see what it's like to be in space with the stars.

      Lance sat up from his spot on the bed and began to walk over to his desk.

      One of the teachers had managed to get him some pictures from the most recent trip to space from one of the pilets.

      He grabbed one of the photos out of his desk drawer and began to stare at it. he loved how beautiful the solar system was. 

      Lance pulled out another picture from the drawer.

      He smiled looking at how pretty the photos are.

Lance POV (1st person, present time)

      I'm in the training room. currently training with the robots.

      I strike one down and than turn to attack another.

     After I finish battling the robots I decided to take a break and i leave the training room to go to the blue lions hanger.

      I enter the room and I feel the familiar hum of Blue in the back of my mind.

      'Hello my cub'

      "Hi Blue," I say smiling at the lion before me

      'Have you come to talk about more of your theories on space or have you come for something else'

      "I actually was wondering if we could go for a little fly around. Maybe find a new planet to relax on," I tell her

      'That's a lovely idea'

      She hums before lowering her head and opening her mouth so I could enter the mechanical lion.

    I go to the control room and we take off.

    We look around us and stare at all of the stars surrounding.

    We fly around for a few minutes before coming across a planet.

    I land Blue and step out of the mechanical lion.

    The planet was small and seemed oddly familiar to me.

    It is mainly a large field with pink flowers dotted around. There is a large tree in the distance with a tire swing hanging from one of it's branches.

    I look to my right and see a waterfall.

    I decided I would check out the tree so I cliamed inside Blue and headed over there.

    After I examined it I see two names carved into the tree bark by the tire swing.

    I read it; Allura and Adrin it said with a heart around it.

    Both names sound familiar to me, but I had no clue why.

    I know why I recognize the name Allura, but Adrin?

    "Where have I heard that from?" I thought aloud


    I hear Blue hum

    "yeah?" I ask turning to her

    'We should be heading back now the others might be worried. We have been gone for almost a day now'

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