The destroyer of worlds

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Context: Y/N and Daisy have been dreaming of starting a family for some time now, but when they find out their dream has come true, time is not on their side.

This one is for all my forming-a-family trope-loving girlies <3.

The lighthouse walls creaked as Y/N walked through the halls. She was still trying to get used to their new home, but they had only arrived a few days earlier, so it could take a while. Her and Daisy's bunk was getting closer with every step, and her heart beat faster and faster the more she approached her destination. Her fingers gripped tightly around the stick as she tried to stop her hands from shaking, but it was of no use. They had both wanted this for a long time now, but the timing could have been better, what with trying to stop the world from ending and having just returned from a trip to the future.

The door was open, as Daisy liked it, so Y/N peered over to check if her girlfriend was there. She found her sitting on the green couch with a laptop on her lap. Y/N's whole body froze when she saw Daisy, and for a second she wanted to run away, but instead, she steadied her breath and walked inside the room.

Daisy lifted her gaze when she saw someone had come in, and her face lit up when she saw it was Y/N. "Hi, gorgeous," she said.

Y/N let out a nervous laugh after hearing the nickname. She hated it the first time Daisy called her that, but despite the girl mostly using it to tease her, it had started to grow on her.

Daisy knew Y/N too well to not notice something was up. She placed the laptop on the couch and stood up to hug her girlfriend. Once encapsulated inside her girlfriend's embrace, away from harm, Y/N rested her head on Daisy's shoulder and let out a loud groan. She hated this kind of situation.

"Tell me," said Daisy as she removed a flock of hair from Y/N's face.

Y/N broke the embrace to be able to look Daisy in the eye when she said it. "We never got the chance to check. We did it the day before everything turned upside down with the Aida problem, and even then, Simmons said it most likely wouldn't work the first time. I don't even know why I did it. I guess out of curiosity. But I found these and couldn't resist." She took Daisy's hand and placed the stick carefully inside.

Daisy knew what Y/N was talking about. Of course, she knew. She had been looking forward to it since Simmons said she had figured it out. She grabbed the stick and gave her girlfriend a half-smile. "It's okay; we'll try again once this madness is over."

Y/N shook her head. "No, Daisy. Look at it," she said in a whisper.

Daisy frowned with confusion but still took a look. It took her a moment to understand what the two lines meant. Her eyes opened widely when she realized, "It worked?" she asked in disbelief.

Y/N nodded; she was terrified of what Daisy's reaction would be.

"Are you sure? These things give false positives all the time," said Daisy. She didn't want to let herself believe it was true.

(Y/N) didn't reply; instead, she reached for her back pocket and then gave Daisy four more sticks, all with two lines.

Daisy couldn't speak. She tried, but no words came out. Her eyes filled with tears instantly, and despite how terrified she was, she couldn't stop smiling.

It felt like it was a lifetime ago when Jemma had promised to help them fulfill their biggest desire: a family. Along with Fitz, she had finally found a way to give them a child that could belong to both of them genetically, a product of the love they both so deeply felt for each other.

Daisy held Y/N in her arms again, unable to stop her body from shaking. Her happiness didn't last long, though, because her brain reminded her of what she had seen in the future: the world was destroyed, quaked to pieces, and she was responsible. She was destined to break the earth apart, and if Y/N survived, their child would grow up to be a slave to the Kree.

Soon, her chest felt extremely heavy, and breathing became impossible. No, this couldn't be. Not right now. Not like this. Her legs were unable to keep her upright any longer, and she fell into Y/N's arms.

"Daisy?" asked Y/N. She had imagined a million reactions, but this wasn't one of them. "Daisy, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to destroy the world; I'm going to kill us all," she mumbled quietly.


The whole room started to shake. Daisy had grown too distressed to control her powers. "I'm the destroyer of worlds. Our child will grow up in the future we saw. All because of me."

"No, Daisy. We are going to stop it. You could never do that."

"What if I can? I was sure it was impossible, but what if it isn't?" The walls rumbled loudly around them.

"Daisy, look at me," Y/N ordered, and Daisy did so. She expected to see fear in Y/N's eyes, but no matter what Daisy did, Y/N could never be scared of her. Instead, she found her girlfriend looking at her with worry and pain. "You would never, and I mean never, quake the world apart. I'm sure you are more than capable of doing so, but you would never. We were taken to the future for a reason, and we are going to save our home so our child can grow up and know trees and ice cream and...paying at bars?" she said, referring to the incident with Deke.

Daisy chuckled softly, relaxing, and the room stopped shaking. "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared."

"I know. But you are not alone in this. We'll do it together".

This time, it was Y/N who wrapped Daisy in an embrace. Hidden in the crook of her girlfriend's neck, Daisy felt like they could pull it off, save the world, and prevent the Kree from taking over. The courage she felt led her to spit out the words before she could think about them.

"Marry me," she whispered in Y/N's ear.

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