Himeno's Offer

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Aki's mouth hung open, agape but no sound came from it. Himeno allowed a Cheshire grin to form from her parted lips, it spreading over her face until the tips reached her ears. Taking her hand, Himeno gently loosened her necktie as she tugged on her dress shirt.

"Something caught ya, Aki?"

Himeno flexed her large soles in a pseudo-yawn. Stretching her arms, the eye-patched woman nudged her toes, showing off their flexibility by bending them until a satisfying pop rang out filling the young man's ears. The fresh air in the room was replaced with the strong, musty fragrance permeating from the female devil hunter's size 12 feet.

"Oh, you see something that you like, Aki?" She crossed her left foot over her right, sliding further back in her chair to further assault her crush's nose. Aki's nose recoiled, but the more he let the stench waft over him, the rational-minded, no-nonsense devil hunter found himself acting on his primal, bestial urges. Instead of the crisp, clean oxygen filling his lungs, it was instead replaced by the rancid fragrance of ancient cheese and sweat festering from his female colleague.

"They stink, don't they, Aki? While you and your roommates were doing your stakeout, I had to do so much running and standing on my sore feet. And then I had to do some special work for Makima that required more back-breaking work." She fanned the hot air around her. With Aki's full attention on her, Himeno initiated the next step of her plan. Her fingers glided over her dress shirt, teasingly probing at the buttons as her appendages slid underneath them.

One button. Two buttons. Three. Himeno kept undoing her top, Aki could see traces of black undergarments tucked away. Her large sweater puppies jiggled behind from the slightest provocation. The dark blue-haired woman licked her lips whilst wiping some sweat from her forehead. "Whew! Sorry that I'm so sticky, Aki. Bet you hate all these feminine smells?"

Sweat trickled down Aki's eyebrow. The front of his pants shifted as he felt a certain part of himself enlarge. Naturally, Aki's reflexes would have been to hide his shame but his partner was as sharp as ever. "What's wrong, Aki? Are you hiding something from li'l old me?"

She raised her sweaty and smelly soles in the air making a thrusting motion with them. "Could it be that you can't get enough of these?"

Aki tried looking away, but the smell of festering cheese was all-consuming and intoxicating. While Himeno wiggled her toes, waves of wrinkles rippled over the surface of her feet. "Did you want to cool my feet down with that tongue of yours?"

She rubbed her feet together, soles sandwiched and toes entangled. Himeno's grin grew wider as she moved her feet up and down in a stroking gesture. "You know, Aki, I can use these feet of mine to give you a really good time~"

It was lost on the devil hunter for a second what she was implicating, but once it was crystal clear, the young man bucked. Himeno giggled. She was so bad for teasing her partner like this, but she was content that she was stealing from Makima by taking advantage of Aki's unbridled attention. She rubbed one sweaty foot on the other's smooth surface.

"Just imagine it, Aki. Me and you. And a couple hours of footy fun." Her stroking became more forceful the further she went on. A slight moan rolled out of Aki's lips despite not actually being touched. The scenario playing out in his mind drove his eyes to the back of his sockets the fuming sweat tearing a hole into his sanity.

"Aki, we are both aware about what you really want... so what is it gonna be?"

Aki remained speechless uncertain of how he should address her.

"That right there tells me that you want these foul feet." She wrinkled her soles the room now smelling like her nasty feet.

"Hours upon hours of non-stop rubbing. Up and down. Up and down." She rubbed her soles together to accentuate her point. "You'll just sit back and let me do all the pumping. Is that what you want? My smelly, stinky size 12s rubbing you and teasing you until you can't take anymore?"

Aki inhaled sharply, drawing in huge whiffs of the musty air. He licked his dry lips, pangs of lust taking hold of his body.

"You crave my feet, Aki. You want to stroke them, don't you? I bet you are just picturing these feet of mine smothering your face so that it will smell just like them. Mmm~"

The devil hunter clutched at his pants contemplating his choices up to that point. The strong, scorching aroma reminded the man of when he shared his first cigarette with his partner. Each whiff burned his nose hairs and eroded brain cells. Aki buckled from the crushing weight. For now, nothing else mattered. Not even the self-appointed mission Aki made for himself could compare to the sensations he was feeling.

All he could see was Himeno's feet.

All that he obsessed over was her feet.

Himeno laughed at her coworker's aimless attempts to fight his urges, but eventually, he succumbed. His mind a blank slate, Aki dropped his pants between his ankles before allowing Himeno to take control.

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