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My vision turned blurry as I invested all my strength in that spell. My heart thudded against my rib-cage without any rhythm, threatening to jump out any minute now. I could feel every vein in my head dilating, throbbing in pain but I couldn't stop; not when I was moments away from finding her.

I needed to see her.

He needed to see her.

"It's enough, your face is turning pale." I felt his strong grip on my shoulder, waving me from side to side, trying to break my focus but I kept my eyes closed, chanting the spell.

How could I stop when we have been trying for years and now we were so close to finding her?

I was so close that I could feel her presence in my veins.

"Stop it, for God's sake. You'll die." His panicky voice penetrated my ears and he shook me harder but I didn't lend an ear to him. He was important to me but at that moment, his concern didn't matter. The need to see her was greater than the need to live and I was sure he felt the same.

A vision started to appear in front of my eyes and I focused all my attention on that spell.

Darkness. Utter darkness, as if someone has sucked all the light from the world, leaving it in nothing but blackness.

'Just a little more,' I said to myself and kept chanting the spell.

No, It wasn't darkness, it was smoke. There was a house on fire. The wind carried the smoke to the left, over the housing estate, sprinkling dirty ash all over.

She was there, so close to me that it almost felt surreal. Skin like melted white chocolate and golden hair fell in straight line midway down her back--- like a waterfall but instead of water, it was honey cascading down her thin built.

She was sobbing in pain, tears streaming down her flawless face as a redhead guy supported her in his muscular arms, trying to stop her from going into that house.

My body was warning me to stop but ignoring all the signs, I kept repeating the words needed to create the spell, trying to enhance the vision, just so I could see more. Something, anything, a small hint that would tell me where she lived.

And then the vision broadened.

There were two bridge towers, tied together on their upper ends by two horizontal walkways. It was a combination of three colors, blue, white and grey.

I had seen this place somewhere. In the magazines maybe or the TV. It was a famous tourist attraction, somewhere in a big city. Paris? Sydney? New York?

Wait! I know this place. I have been here before. Few years back, when I went there to meet an old witch. I even have a picture of me standing on the bridge, beaming at the camera.

"Just stop this already." His voice boomed in the room and he gave me a hard push. I stumbled backwards and my eyes shot open, revealing his handsome face towering over me with a worried frown etched on his forehead.

"T... Tower Bridge," I breathed out as liquid trailed down my nose and some of it entered my mouth, the tangy taste made me nauseous. "London." It was the last thing I said before darkness enveloped me.


Note: My OG readers might remember this book. I had started this ages ago but I had left it in the mid. Now I want to finish it before I could move on to my next project. I've just started my Psychiatry residency now so I have very less time on hands. Hope I'll be able to complete it this time.

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