30. PAIN

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When my eyes opened in the morning, I found myself back in the same room in Atticus' mansion from which I escaped after turning everything upside down. Last night, I was too exhausted to think straight but now, the panic had set in.

Lazily, I moved my gaze to the door and that's when I jolted up in shock. There he was, standing there in the doorframe, his hands resting inside his pockets. "God, you just gave me a heart attack." I said breathlessly, resting my hand on my chest and letting out some deep breaths.

"Sleep time over, princess. Get up," he ordered and then walked away, leaving me irritated.

I cursed him mentally for being his creepy self and hopped out of the bed. There were fresh clothes neatly folded and placed on the dressing table. Picking them up, I made my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine.

Once I looked civilised enough and not some unstable, homeless person, I made my way out of that room. This place was just as I had remembered but somehow, I felt less afraid. Last time I was here, I was clueless of what was happening but now I knew.

My feet took me to the dining table where Atticus West was sitting in the central position while his brother and Grace were on his right. The seat on his left was empty. He motioned me to sit there and I did the same, all the while feeling his gaze on me.

The cook was standing silently at one side, waiting for any order from his owner. Before I could say anything, a servant placed a plate in front of me, filled to brim with eggs, sausages and bacon.

"Um... I... I don't eat this much." I said, staring at my plate in a weird way. "I'll take just some fruits."

"No," His voice suddenly boomed.

"No?" I asked. So now, I couldn't eat anything without his permission. Great.

"You need proteins. Fruits won't make you able to protect yourself." he said as he cut the egg in his plate with knife. My eyes went to Grace for any help but she just shrugged.

Sighing, I ate the eggs first. My stomach was already filling up and but his constant glares told me that I was supposed to finish the whole plate. By the time the last piece of food went to my mouth, I was close to puking. I was really not used to eating much in the morning, that too bacon and sausages.

Grace and Lucas had left by now and it was only us left at the table. "Get yourself settled. Do whatever you want in the free time but at exactly 3, you'll meet me in the lounge." he said without looking at me.

"Why?" I asked and he slowly raised his eyes from the table. I was still not used to the blueness of his orbs and it looked like his piercing eyes could blind me easily.

"For your training." he said.

"Why so much hassle?" I asked, forcing myself to keep looking in his eyes although every nerve in my body was telling me to look away.

"I don't know. You tell me, would you rather be dead?" His eyes challenged me and I kept my face straight. I still couldn't fathom how someone could look so beautiful yet so scary at the same time.

Wait. Did I just call him beautiful?

I reminded myself of the question he just asked and then began to answer him. "It doesn't matter what I want. You tell me, won't it be more convenient for you to just kill me?" I asked and tried to decipher the look in his eyes but failed miserably. I couldn't read him, no matter how hard I try.

His lips curved into his signature smirk at this and he slowly leaned towards me, causing my skin to heat up in agitation. "Well, consider that my plan B."

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