008. 'and the leading role that i thought i'd hold'

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"It's a cross dissolve, 

it's a scene I've played before"

         IT WAS UNMISTAKABLE TO SAY that capture the flag between Camp Half-blood and the Hunters of Artemis was a major failure. But Dodie couldn't exactly say that it wasn't expected, for to her, it was. She had foreseen this from the moment Chiron had told them that they would be having a game; the Hunters have always won every game they've played against camp after all.

However, what no one had physically or mentally expected was the appearance of the terrible, ugly, spirit of Delphi that had always made Dodie want to puke from the sight of it. It was mummified — you could imagine how terrifying that was to the sight. Nonetheless, she appeared right as Thalia and Percy were about to reenact Poseidon and Zeus's petty sibling quarrel.

And now... well, now they were stuck with her.

As they walked out of the woods and back to the main premises of the campgrounds after what had occurred, no one spoke a word, silence enveloping their whole way back. Dodie pursed her lips; it was simply deafening in a way that was awkward.

It was really... really, really awkward to the point that Dodie reckoned that being around her father was better than this. But then again, perhaps if she were to slip away from here, maybe neither group or individual would quite notice her.

But she didn't.

She was nice that way.

Nice in a way that she was more intrigued by this whole occurrence. She was interested at the thought of having seen the mummified Delphi, whom she had often seen sitting still in the attic of the Big House as she frequently tidied things up there, considering Delphi was a priestess of her father and all, doing her weird prophecy thing right before her eyes.

What was not exciting was that they needed to carry her back to her attic, which the task fell upon Percy and Grover. Exciting.

Well, technically anyone could've honestly carried or at least helped them, but she guessed that they were all bitter because of the game.

Dodie kind of thought that it was stupid. Well, then again, she thought a lot of things were stupid, but this one just somewhat takes the cake on how extremely stupid it was. Sure, she was as competitive as anyone could be, but it wasn't like she was so bitter over a game that was clear from the start that they were going to be on the losing side. Yeah, they were demigods, but the Huntresses are literal immortals and had hundreds of year's worth of experiences.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now