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|| Given or Taken ||


SHARP gasps echoed throughout the forest as rapid footsteps stomped on the grass, creating footstep noises. Howling of werewolves occurred, echoing throughout the forest as the full moon arises from a distance. It was windy, and not long after it started to rain heavily which resulted in her senses weakening. The cries of dead people haunted her, it was sharp noises that penetrated her eardrums. The rain poured heavily, the soil turning muddy from the arising flood which made it hard for her to run.

The howls of werewolves became louder and sharper, they weren't celebrating. They were crying out loud as the full moon started turning red, the white light started emitting red lights. The rain started changing colors, from its crystal clear to turning dark red which resembles human blood.

Ayame tiredly ran through the flood of blood, she was gasping for air and hyperventilating. Her clothing was tattered and filled with blood stains all over. Her body was covered with deep wounds that her regeneration couldn't keep up. Her red eyes glowed through the dark as she hallucinated the thousands of dead children that couldn't make it out alive from the harsh experiments.

"Shut up." Ayame muttered tiredly, running through the flood that's already under her knees. The flood resembles human blood, though it was dark and thick making it look like real human blood.

The screams of dead children penetrated her eardrums. They were crying and begging for help as they shrieked loudly in pain from the experiments. Ayame winced in pain as she covered her ears, her lips almost turning gray from the lack of blood.

"I said shut up!" Ayame screamed out as she clenched her eyes tightly.

She was running towards the void that connects to the other world. The other world is filled with demons and friendly people. Though it wasn't exactly an ideal world to live in, it was much better than living in a world filled with psychopaths that harvests children and experiments on them.

Her prophecy was happening, it was unfolding in front of her eyes. Out of the thousands of children harvested, only five of them survived and turned into vampires. All of them were given written prophecies that were molded and turned into jewelry. Once they wear the jewelry, it will never come off, nor will it be broken. It will only disperse once the prophecy happens.

Ayame's bracelet started glowing, it was her written prophecy that was molded into a bracelet. This was her prophecy and she knew she couldn't outrun it no matter what. Ayame felt hopeless at the moment, she was bleeding from her serious wounds and her regeneration couldn't keep up. She was feeling desperate, she had to return to the other world, she had to return to her lover.

(To you) In the rain of fate's arrows

(To) The boundary within me facing

(Free) Given or taken, oh

My red eyes

A dark circle appeared into Neverland, the world where the five survivors lived. It is said that a void will appear whenever a red full moon arises. A red full moon isn't common and will only show up once in a million years, though through Ayame's desperate calls, a full red moon arises and the void opens into Neverland. But fate was the most crucial part in her life, because for the centuries of existing, fate had never once helped her.

(To you) I'm turning the world upside down

(To) I step into the sky

(Me) Given or taken, oh

My white fangs

Ayame tiredly slumped on the ground, her knees giving out on her. She put her hands on the soil, clenching them into her hands as she tried pulling herself up. But her hands couldn't support her exhausted body as it gave out on her, the side of her face smacking through the soil, submerging in the flood of blood. Ayame shakily stood up from the ground, the flood of blood started rising even more which made it harder for her to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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