Chapter 15

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I wanted to sit in the corner and cry. I mean how could she? How could she just forget me in a few days time? We had been best friend since the crib! Didnt that mean anything?
I was very disappointed in Alicia. She was like she didnt even remember me. Was it so easy to replace me? Did u mean nothing to her? My phone ringed indicating i had recieved a message. I opened my inbox to see a message from an unknown number. Frowning i opened the message box.
"You dont look nice while being sad sugar.'
I frowned and typed.
"Who is this?"
I got an instant reply.
"Dont worry about it sugar. I am your admirer."
"As flattered as i am to know this, i am already taken and i love my mate very much." I typed back.
"Not for long sugar. And i would enjoy that very much."
I frowned and shut down my phone. At the last class of the day ended i was exhausted as well as worried. Who was this person? Do i show Jay these messages or not? What if he found out through someone else? He would be so angry that i kept something like this from him.
'Dont keep it from our mate. Tell him everything,' Eliza said.
"You are right," i said.
I was at my locker waiting for Jay when Alicia and her new friends walked by.
"Oh hi Reanne. I didnt see you today," Alicia said as iff nothing happened.
"Yeah. My ghost was attending my classes for me," i scoffed.
Some of her friends snickered.
"Look Reanne- Alicia started.
"If you want to talk to the beta female of the Red Glare pack then talk through the Alpha," Jay's voice said.
"I am from your pack and Reanne's best friend," she said.
"So that means me being your best friend comes 2nd right?" I asked feeling hurt.
"I didnt mean it like that!"she exclaimed defending herself.
"Come on Reanne," Jay said.
I nodded and walked with Jay to our car.
"Whats the matter little wolf?" Jay asked.
"Is it so easy to replace best friends?" I asked twirling my finger around my hair.
"No little wolf. It isnt. And it means Alicia isnt a very good friend," he said.
I took a deep breath and said, "Jay please dont get angry. I hate it when you get angry."
"Why would i be angry little wolf?"he asked.
"Can you pull over?" I asked quietly.
"Is everything all right little wolf?" Jay asked.
I took out my cell phone and opened the inbox messages from the unknown number and showed it to Jay.
"DAMN IT!"he growled slamming his hand on the steering wheel.
I jumped in my chair.
"Jay please stay calm," i said taking hold of his arm.
"Whoever this person is will be dead by me!"he growled.
"Jay asked you to stay calm," i begged rubbing his arm.
"Someone wants what is MINE! How can i stay CALM??!!"he shouted.
I knew only one thing to do. Unbuckling my seat belt; i leaned towards Jay and took his face in my hands. I leaned his face towards me so that he looked into my eyes. His eyes were pitch black. He was shaking so hard that even some black fur were spruting. He was already into his shift.
"I love you two. I will never ever leave you. I love you so much.  I dont know how i would ever live so much without you. Please calm yourself for me," i begged.
"Someone wants to take you away from me!"he growled.
I did the only thing i could think of. I leaned forward the small distance and kissed him. I kissed him with all my might. I showed him how much i loved him.
He kissed me back with such a ferocity that he took my breath away. We broke away breathing hard. He stroked my face and i closed my eyes in bliss.
"I love you little wolf," Jay said softly.
I opened my eyes and saw that he was back to normal.
"I love you too big teddy," i said my eyes filled with so much love.
"You are only mine," he said possessively.
"I only want to be yours," i said.
Jay placed his forehead on me and sighed. I ran my hand through his thick black hair trying to calm him down. I could still feel his anxiety and fear of losing me. I suddenly got an idea.
"How about we go out tonight?" I asked.
"What if he takes you away from me?" Jay asked.
My heart melted at his vooce. It held so much fear. I didnt know he loved me so much.
"We wont be alone. We can invite the Alpha and Delta with us," i said.
"That makes me feel better," he said.
I smiled and kissed his nose. We started the car and finally got to the pack house. There i saw Mike pacing in the living room running his hand through his hair. He only did that when he was agitated.
"Whats wrong Mike?" I asked.
"This pregnancy will kill me," he muttered.
Jay chuckled and i glared at him playfully.
"Why?" I asked curious.
"Cassie wants to eat John Blue's ice cream and i dont know what to do!"he exclaimed.
"Go get it then," i grinned.
Mike was so whipped!
"So am i little wolf," Jay said through the mind link.
I blushed at that and smiled.
"Its in the next town! What if she craves icecream 24/7? How will i manage?"he asked.
"I need icecream now!" Cassie exclaimed as she came into the room.
I looked at Mike and said through the link.
'What do i do? Like i can go to the town to get ice cream but wont it be harmful for the baby?" Mike asked.
"Come on Mike. Giive the girl a break and dont be a baby," i said.
"I am just worried for my pup," he said.
"I need ice cream!" Cassie whined.
"Work it out big brother," i said patting his shoulder and grinning.
Jay and i went to our bedroom and and i flopped down on the bed.
"Tired?" Jay asked rubbing my back.
"Yeah it was a long day," i said.
"Will you be like that when you are pregnant with my pup?" Jay asked.
I blushed a deep red.
"How many pups do you want?" I asked.
"Well i want a cute little girl who looks like exactly like her mother. And maybe a son as well to balance the family," Jay said.
It felt so nice to talk about such things with my mate. My one and only.
"So you want a small family?" I asked.
"Well maybe not really a small family but i want a minimum of two kids," he said.
At that moment my stomach growled and i blushed.
"Lets go down and see what is there to eat," Jay said.
We walked down and raided the fridge. After the lunch i felt so full that i wanted to take a walk.
"Can i go for a walk big teddy?" I asked.
"Not alone," Jay said possessively.
"If it makes you feel better i will stay here," i said.
"Please little wolf. I worry about you," he said.
I propped up on one elbow and looked at him.
"Jay i am never leaving you. I cant leave you. Never ever," i said looking into his beautiful grey eyes.
Jay leaned down and kissed me. I sighed into the kiss and he pulled me onto his lap. I felt sparks spread throughout my body.
'I want to show our mate our love for him. That we will never leave him,' Elisa said.
'But how? I really dont know much specifics about Jay. Not that i mind. I want to be suprised,' i said.
At that moment there was a knock on the door. Jay growled lowly as he said, "Come in."
The door opened and his mom came in. I knew she was his step mom but didnt know her name so i called her Jay's mom. I wondered what my real mother in law looked like.
"Jay why dont you show Alex around? He is so bored being in the pack house all day," she said.
"Why would i do that?" Jay asked.
"Come on Jay he is your younger brother. Show some sympathy," she said.
"He is not my brother and never will be," Jay growled lowly.
His mom's eyes widened slightly as she said, "atleast try to act civil Jay."
"I will think about it," he said.
During this conversation i suddenly got an idea. And it excited me to no end. It got me so excited that i wanted to jump up and down in excitement like a kid.
"Fine Jay," she said and left.
"Why dont you take him out Jay?" I asked.
"Not you too!" Jay groaned.
"Well i mean maybe he wants to have a bonding time with his brother. I mean who doesnt want a sibling?" I asked.
"But he is not my real sibling," he said.
"So what? Think of it as a good job," i winked at him.
"Only you would find good in everything," he rolled his eyes.
I hit his arm as i said, "you mean to say i am a goody two shoes?"
"Maybe maybe not," he grinned.
"Jay!" I pouted.
"What will you do when i am not here?"he asked.
"I will look after Cassie. Give Mike a break," i said.
"Yeah the poor kid definitely needs a break," Jay laughed.
"Shut up Jay!" I slapped his arm playfully.
I followed Jay as he walked outside.
"Dont i get a kiss?" Jay asked.
"Depends," i said with a teasing smile.
"On what?"he asked confused.
"Can i get icecream?" I asked.
"Icecream?"he asked.
"Yee. Please?" I gave him the puppy dog expression.
"Dont give me that look. You know i cant resist," he said.
"I know that," i grinned cheekily.
"Do want a special brand?"he asked.
"Not really. Ice cream is icecream. But i want chocolate," i said.
"Anything for my little wolf," he said.
"I love you bug teddy,," i said with a smile.
"I love you more," he said.
"Do i get a kiss now?"he asked with a pout.
I laughed and kissed him on the lips. I was alone in the room looking for something to find about Jay's biological parents when i got sweaty. I shook it away and continued searching Jay's closet.
I suddenly got an urge to do something what i didnt know. I decided to walk downstairs to the kitchen. Perhaps i didnt want to wait until Jay got back with my icecream.
I walked downstairs to the kithen to find several people there just talking.
As soon as i entered all of the boys head snapped up as they looked at me. I didnt like the way they looked at me. It was like i was their prey. I stood there frozen as i watched all boys expression changed. The girls gave me nasty looks.
My heart was in my throat and i didnt know what to do. I watched as one boy with blonde hair and brown eyes made his way to me. As he got closet i could see the lust in his eyes. My eyes widened.
Was it possible that i had gone into heat? But it was impossible! I had mated only days before! It took weeks.
"Hey cutie pie," he said.
I cringed away from him. I didnt want anyone to touch me except Jay! Luck was on my side as Alpha William made his way to the kitchen.
"Thats enough Ethan! She is your beta female!"he snapped in his Alpha voice.
It was as if everyone snapped out of their trance.
"Sorry beta female," Ethan said with a shake of his head.
"I-its ok," i said with a small smile.
"Come," Alpha William said.
"Thank you Alpha," i said as we were near our headquarters.
"Call me William Reanne. You have to be very careful from now onwards," he said.
"Why?" I asked confused.
"You have gone into heat," he said.
"But doesnt it take a while to go into heat?" I asked my eyes wide
"When did you fully mate?"he asked.
"Um a week ago i think. Or maybe more. But not less than a week," i said.
"Then you have definitely gone into heat and Jay would never like that," William said.
"Why?" I asked.
"He is possessive."
Oh boy!
P.S: So how was this chapter? Can i get 5/10 votes?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now