V. Even If It's A False God, We Still Worship This Love

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even if it's a class god
we still worship this love.

may 2022

*ੈ✩‧₊˚ SAM HATED planes.

from the moment the team exited the doors to outside, sam had basically gripped onto odessa as tight as she could. the buckley girl was beyond confused why the twenty eight year old was clinging onto her for dear life. ellie laughed at the sight and told her that 'sam was not someone who liked flying on smaller planes'

"it's not even up in the air yet" odessa lightly tapped sam's hand. the pair had two options to stay together, seeing as they didn't have conjoined seats and sam would be at the front of the plan with kat and tony while odessa would be with ellie towards the back.

obviously poor ellie had to sit up the front with the two coaches because there was no way sam was going to back down from getting what she wanted. ellie didn't mind it though, when she saw the pair walk over she already knew. meaning she already had her shit ready to move. she went odessa a wink before scattering off, leaving the brunette confused and practically tied to her plane chair by sam kerr.

"i know that" sam rolled her eyes, buckling up her seatbelt "why do you think im not holding onto you right now?"

a silence covered the pair, and the plane started to make its takeoff. sharply cutting through the clouds as the city under them began to fade away. odessa always felt peaceful in planes, she loved the window seat, and the feeling that erupted throughout her when she saw the light blue sky and the clouds beneath her. it all felt euphoric.

odessa reached down to her small carry on bag, pulling out a bright orange book with a black mask circling the front cover and her earphones. she softly touched sam's arm, motioning to the apple earphones in her hand.

the nervous girl bumped her knee up and down, trying to bottle up her fears. for a spilt second, with odessa's hand against sam's skin. there was comfort, before it slipped back into nerves. sam gave her a small smile, taking the earphone from her "is it gonna be taylor swift?"

odessa beamed brightly "yes, and— our kid is in your suitcase."

sam's head whipped over "how have you done this?"

odessa simply shrugged, scrolling through her downloaded playlist in spotify. the tune of false god by taylor swift started to blast through her earphone. odessa tilted her body, so her back was against sam and she popped her knees against her chest. placing her book on her lap.

"what are you reading?" sam questions lightly, diving sections of odessa's hair with her fingers. odessa had brown hair that went down to her chest, she normally had it out if she wasn't doing any fitness.

"a court of silver flames" odessa replied in a soft tone "its the fifth book to the ACOTAR series, its kind of a one-off books, you don't need to read the other books to read this one, but it's definitely preferred to read the others to understand the settings and plot"

sam hummed, adverting her eyes to the plane window. watching them fly over the clouds, with the beat of taylor swift in her head and the girl leaning against her. she wasn't as scared.

may 2022

*ੈ✩‧₊˚ "I'M SURE you'll be fine, sam" odessa crossed her arms "just kick goals, easy enough."

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