Disappointment hits hard

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Steven POV
As I was walking to the plains I was thinking about well alot of things. I have this habit to space out. people think I am actually unable to focus and space out but the thing is I do that on purpose. Like when Alex starts talking about her breakup story for the millionth time I space out and stare into the space and I usually think about weird things like why I am friends with her again . Last week I heard Alex say something about some guy named Herobrine...I think.. yea I am such a bad person like she is my Best friend... She is the only friend actually because everyone just says huhhhhh and it's hella annoying and also their bald... I do not know how it's supposed to help but yea she said he was notchs? Brother I don't remember she said that he was VERY HOT.. and just then I reached the village

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