Chapter 6 Finding Miguel and the Marvel Cinematic universe

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Dr strange appeared with his portal And then  teleported everyone out of the portal with the others. From MCU.

Joker Ran up and hugged Dr strange.

Everyone looked at him confused.  scratching their heads.

" Is he on drugs or something?" Robin said to Batgirl?

" He certainly has surprised us our arch enemey or frenemy. " Batgirl said.

" Miguel weve got news." Gwen said.

" We Arrested some of thoughs superheroes who are with that homelander guy and also are some how working with some guys from the " Illuminati" in the real world not from here. Somehow our team found out the creators are in bodies of fictional characters known as self inserts!!!! I here called . And the man Stan lee who created us clairaudiently told us. Who these guys were in the real world. Apparently one said " WE ARE LEGION FOR WE ARE MANY" one of them said that and also from what superman saw their eyes went black. Do you have any kind of analysis on what type of villain are they certainly not from here. " Batman said.

" They looked more like demonic black eyes we dont usually come across demons as villains in here in this or possibky in youre universes but this is the first time weve come across something lile this before." Superman said.

" What about the guys who interupted our meeting when we were with you before you teleported us what happened and how you find us." Batman said to Miguel.

Miguel said " Thats good you fought thoughs guys for yourself. I dont know. This guy homelander or what his problem is with us . We do know they work for I say someone or a group who created them. Their not from a good creation we know. I havent seen the guys from this homelander person changing their eyes to black or something !!! But their from somewhere." Miguel said.

" One of my gang also said that their with other creators. Like creators who created other fictional characters.

I cant remember their names. But I do Remember Ben saying something else about them" Batman said

" Like what.......? " Miguel said.

" He said their doing Merges with other creations the actors who they casted to play their fictional characters and their universes with theirs or something ." Batman said.

" Batman .... Superman good work all of you and thanks for all that info. " Miguel said.

Just then a portal came and out came James francos character as Henry Osborne. But his eyes turned lizard and had a tongue.

" Whos that? " Harley Said

" Its Another. One of thoughs guys. But his eyes changed differently.... " Batman said.

" Quickly Wonder Woman use youre lasso. " Batman said

Wonder Woman lassoed James Francos character as Henry Osborn from spiderman 2002.

They all started questioning him.

" What the hell do you want from us." Wonder woman said.

Harley Margot Robbie smelled a sulfur odor coming off of. This imposter clown.

" Ewww this guy smells like rottten eggs or eggs in general." Harley said

Everyone could smell the stench.

Robin did his telekinises to stop Him from producing his scent to free himself from the binds of Wonder Womans Lasso so he could Escape.

He had more of his power. It revealed himself to be James franco the actor.

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