Chapter 2

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"Right rhyme....wrong poem....
Right person.... wrong time....
A piece of you that will never be mine."

Kim was busy writing these lyrics his mind occupied by the events that had happened today.

On his eighteenth birthday, Kim had made it very clear to his father that he will not and does not want to associate himself with the major family.

It wasn't the bloodshed or the constant war or even the hunger to be at the winning streak always keeping one occupied and scared to even get ounce of sleep-one wouldn't know.

Kim, himself was not a weak person nor an indolent one. While growing up he kinda always knew what it was to be a THEERAPANYAKUL, and all the baggage that comes along with it.

For being from one of the most eminent mafia clan in whole of Thailand, freedom was a far cry.

Even if he ever wanted to he getaway from his family, he will still get involved in some or the other business, because it's where his brothers are, and it's the constant fear and reminder that, at any given moment he could loose someone; someone who meant the world for him; someone he absolutely cannot replace, so he pledged to do anything and everything for them.

This is exactly what Kim learnt all those years growing up- to save your ass you need to be the strongest, to save your family you need to be more scheming, shrewd and always expediented.

Kim was busy that day,when he was summoned by Korn to visit the Main family.


"These morons!! I always knew Gun was upto something, that idiot will do anything for deposing me, he wants to be the kingpin.....hahahahahah......" Gun was shouting so loudly that the bodyguards got suprised and terrified of their boss who was now laughing like a maniac.

Again a bellowing could be heard, poor Pete was literally getting yelled at something he had no clue about.

Pete was having a conversation in his head, "You bastard!!!I'm going to kill you Porsche. When you're back from your so called romantic getaway with Kinn, I'm gonna hit you. Why did you guys have to disappear now, when all hell's breaking loose god dammit!"

Yes with all of this happening, Kinn had disappeared and Korn and no clue about how Kinn had went missing, he did not know that Kinn and Porsche had eloped, only Pete knew about that.

But he could not say that and have his head severed by Kinn, but again if Korn found out that Pete was involved in all this shit he can say goodbye to his grandmother,Tanakhun, Porsche and go join Elizabeth and Sebastien.

This had literally given Korn a major headache. Because the news that Kinn had went missing will bring major trouble. So he had to deal with the news, to keep it a secret and at same time trace Kinn's whereabouts and deal with Gun. So only a very few members knew about this,one being-- Korn, Tanakhun, Pete has he had been Kinn's bodyguard, Big, Arm, Pol, and now Kim will come know about it.

Few days back Gun had got some intimation about the goods Korn was smuggling inside the country. So he sent his troops and made his son Vegas to go ransack the place, and to bring him bounty, he also tipped the border officers and lured them to catch Korn's men. It was a retribution, for what Korn had done to his previous deal.

Korn dismissed Pete, as he heard that Kim has already come and was waiting for him outside. Pete thanked all gods, he thanked Kim for his timely intervention and scurried away from a moody Korn.

We'll this is not the first time,it has always been like this. Things between the major and minor family became much more worse, after their father had passed away. Both brothers detested each other, the hunger to be the crime lord was fogging the little to no rationality they had. And it was only logical for their kids to grow up hating each other.

When Kim entered the main house compound, he felt uneasy cause he knew something was not right. But he could not put a finger on it.

Everyone bowed down and welcomed him. Arm took him to his father's office, when he heard a shrilling voice from where he was standing.

After some time he saw Pete getting out from his father's office, when he saw Kim he got a little suprised and quickly came back to his senses, bent a perfect 90° and ran away.

The moment he saw Pete, Kim felt Pete knew something about what was happening there he decided to keep that in mind and ask him later.

As he entered his father's room, the sight that welcomed him was Tanakhun crying in a corner. He greeted his father, only this time Tanakhun shouted,"Kim, Kinn has gone missing!"

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