It's not up to me pt6

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Mentions of Ed and b*n hope

Third person :

Nick walked into his bedroom ,and saw Charlie on the bed reading something,on his phone.Charlie didn't see Nick staring , multiple tears fell from Charlie's eyes . 

"Char."Charlie looked at his worried boyfriend's face, "char ,are you okay" Nick knew his boyfriend was not okay , but he still asked.Charlie looked at him , with more tears filling his eyes. Nick walked over and hugs Charlie, Charlie starts to cry which quickly turns into loud sobs .

Nicks POV:

I need to talk to Charlie but not yet , I can't right now he just needs some time to think.we stay there for a few minutes and I wait for Charlie to stop crying.

I 'huff' knowing this question could go either in two different ways , "Charlie,you need to tell me what's bothering you" he froze , "please char" . Uh-umm we looked at each other and I took his hand and gave it  a reassuring squeeze. "Umm Ben texted me!" "I thought you blocked him" , I - I did." "It's okay char,we are going to be late though" , I smiled he did the same.

*Third person *

Nick and Charlie got ready , and ate some toast . They were definitely going to be late , but Nick wanted Charlie to eat no matter how long it takes. Once Charlie had eaten they set of.

Charlie's POV : 

me and Nick walked to form, the hallway was quiet,well quieter than usual "Nick and Charlie,you are late"mr Farouk said not looking up from his laptop "yes sir we know" Nick said in suspense , "sorry sir"  I said hoping we wouldn't get a detention, "Alright  I will have a chat after form" . We sat down .


"Charlie why are you sorry ?"

"Because now you are going to get a detention because of me "

" NO Charlie "

"But-"he cuts me of . First of all Charlie no saying the S word ,and second it's not your fault ."

I know it's my fault  . I don't eat normally and I rely on everyone around me .

Nicks POV:

Form ends ,Mr Farouk stands up . "Nick and Charlie, everyone can leave!" They all did ."alright boys I'm sure you have a valid reason on why you were late,but it's not up to me if you do or don't get a detention ." 

After that conversation we started to walk to our next lessons , Charlie hasn't said a word since talking to mr Farouk, and he is looking down at his feet . Maybe he was just upset that he got a detention 

I don't say anything because I'm not thrilled about it either . I see my class room and say bye too Charlie he just waves and smiles.

Charlie's POV:

I think Nick noticed I wasn't happy.But the thing is not the detention it's that Ben texted me again and he won't shut up.

I decided to skive my lesson, because who cares I've already got one detention. I go to the toilet cubicle too see  four new messages from Ben 

08:46)-answer me Charlie

08:49)would you like me to be spreading rumours 

08:51)you probably would your so hot when you mad

08:56)Nick hates you ,you  do know that right 

Maybe he is right about Nick hating me, I start to sob then I hear the door open.

566 words

Sorry for any mistakes I'm just so tired but hope you enjoyed.

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