Chapter 0: A Warning

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It had begun raining, the birds stopped their singing, and a warning was sent to the city to watch out for slippery roads. As bus after bus arrives at RWHS high school students exited the buses and went off to class. The wind howled and you can almost hear a whisper saying "Let the heavens open and all be trapped"

The beginning of school was normal enough however as lunch drew near a feverish excitement brewed along with anger. In the cafeteria, four teenagers with trays of food sit down at the end of the cafeteria that they sit at and begin eating and talking . They had barely begun eating when suddenly a PLOP. A massive glop of mashed potatoes fell at a table near them. Everybody around was shocked, someone had even screamed in terror before being laughed at by their friends.

Somebody had cleverly stuck some up on the ceiling before lunch had started. Ray who was sitting at that table angrily looked around the room and spied Jackson trying to hold in laughter.

BAM! Ray had thrown a baked potato and it had nailed Jackson right in the head. Bindu, the local binder seller in the high school who was also a friend of Jackson's but honestly liked fights more, proceeded to rummage through her lunch box and took out A WHOLE HEAD OF LETTUCE and threw it at Ray. Sadly her aim was as good as lukewarm water. She beaned Veber in the head who in retaliation chucked a 10 by 10 Rubix cube that shattered against her head knocking her out.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!" screamed Jackson running at Veber with a carrot.

The lunch ladies, used to this quickly moved down their shutters to shield them and reveal a sign that said *5 dollars for a new tray of food* Immediately tables were flipped to provide fortification, and some of the veteran seniors began rolling their tables to the counters to stock up on more ammo. Greg and Alvin flip the table to its side as Oskar and Will nab their trays of food. Greg grabs an apple from his tray and throws it at Ray, it bonks off his head and Ray falls back.

"Good shot," says Alvin

"Thanks" replies Greg who proceeds to get splattered by mashed potatoes hitting the pillar they used as support for the table.

A war cry rings out in the cafeteria as the jocks of the school charged with carrots pointed like knives toward the group camped at the counter. The group that called themselves the Lettuce Legion who often came out on top in food fights were the ones bunkering down in the counter. They had rich kids and those rich kids had cash. WHAM! Whole heads of lettuce that the kids purchased pounded against the heads of the jocks sending them back to a nearby blockade other jocks had set up. In the midst of all of this Greg, Alvin, Oskar, and Will are forming a raid.

Greg and Alvin were going to raid the lettuce legion while Oskar and Will stayed behind to defend their fort and launch artillery potatoes over shelters. SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Mashed potatoes rained down on the lettuce legion. Many other kids running out of ammo and unable to break through the lettuce legion also began fire and inching towards the counter. Greg and Alvin together pushed a table back on its wheels and began using it as a battering ram and successfully knocked the lettuce legion away.

There they began a speech "Fellow students" begins Greg

"We have suffered" Alvin continued

"Losing because we are independent. Unable to fight back against the many" they said.

"But no longer. Let us form our own food empire. TO WIN AGAINST THOSE NERDS AND JOCKS!!!!"

The student body hiding near the counter cheered from their position as food rained over their heads.

"What's the name?" shouted one student

"THE POTATO EMPIRE!! For the common people, by the common people!" chanted Greg and Alvin in sync.

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