Chapter 18

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Despite everything, Barcode sleeps next to Jeff.

They don't sleep together, but side by side.

And probably just because Barcode cried until he was too exhausted to resist.

Jeff watches him for a while as soon as he opens his eyes in the morning. His chest tightening with the idea of Barcode not accepting that there is no turning back. It's much worse to have someone not wanting to be in love with you than just simply not feeling it.

Jeff decides to get up first. He reaches for his own T-shirt and pulls it on on his way to the bathroom. One look at the bathtub and he remembers how he thought Barcode would enjoy being pampered with a bubble bath when he chose that room. With a weak laugh, Jeff also remembers how the night before their showers had been dull and lonely.

His own face is a mess from a sleepless night, as is his hair after he went to bed with it still wet, but Jeff doesn't really care about that right now. After doing what he needs to and leaving the bathroom, he calls room service and orders breakfast in the lowest tone he can manage.

He might still try to spoil Barcode a little, after all.

Barcode moves as soon as someone knocks on the door. Jeff gets out of bed again and opens the door for them to bring their breakfast and closes it again after a brief thank you. When he turns around, he already finds Barcode sitting down, in a situation a little worse than his own.

"Good morning." Jeff says quietly as he approaches and places the food in front of him, taking the place opposite the younger man. "Right in time."

Barcode doesn't look up past the food put in front of him and his hands reach straight for the pitcher of coconut water that Jeff obviously ordered for him. He pours himself some and drinks in large gulps before pouring more. Jeff smiles slightly.

"Did you get some rest?" Jeff asks almost carefully, his eyes still trying to capture his.

Barcode nods, but then denies it, still not uttering a sound.

Even in the clear mess Barcode is in, Jeff can't help but find him ridiculously adorable. The urge is to kiss him until Jeff rips off the light pout he has on his lips.

Gradually Barcode begins to explore the tray and eat a little. Jeff also helps himself to a few things and drinks some juice, all in a silence that, while a little awkward, is nonetheless comfortable.

"Can we talk?" Jeff asks after leaving the empty glass.

Barcode no longer eats. He looks up quickly before looking away once more and nodding.

"But I don't know what to say." He lets out in a murmur.

"Okay, you don't need to know." With a sigh, Jeff pushes the tray aside and moves a little closer to him. "I want to know how you're feeling."

Barcode fidgets with his fingers, hands lying in his lap. It is visible when his nose starts to redden.

"Bad?" The younger man shrugs.

Jeff has to look away a little when he says this and fidgets with the duvet under his legs. He nods slowly and looks at Barcode again.

"I thought we were getting along, Code." Jeff says so low and, for the first time, lets his own disappointment with Barcode's reaction show in his voice. "I know it's confusing, that it didn't go as expected, but we can't control these things."

"But I don't want to." Barcode answers so firmly it's almost like a punch to Jeff's stomach.

Jeff continues to look at him, swallowing with some difficulty as he waits for Barcode to say something else. Anything. When he doesn't, he looks up and takes a deep breath, then rubs his eyes and pushes his hair out of his face.

[EN] All of Barcode (and Jeff's) first times in KoreaWhere stories live. Discover now