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Beatrix pov:

“Jake’s he’s dead” she yelled

Me and Matthew looked at each other and then back at my mom

“And all your fault” she said as she walked closer to Matthew “because of you my son is gone” her face had tear stains, her eyes were still red from her crying. She walked angrily towards Matthew and me, before she got any closer I got up and walked in front of her

“Mom what do you mean, tell me what happend” I looked at her my eyes were soft and with care compared to hers which were filled with anger and sadness

“Well after you stormed off your father got jake to his bed he had a maid clean his wounds that… Matthew left him” my mother said Matthew’s name with disgust as if he was some kind of poison “your father and I waited for him to wake up all day yesterday but he never did so we went to bed, thinking that he would be awake in the morning” the tears in her eyes came back “we got woken up by a maid telling us to go to his that something was wrong, when we got there he wasn’t… he wasn’t breathing” she started crying again, sobbing more like. 

I looked over at Matthew he looked confused mostly, I looked back over at my mom and hugged her as she cried into my shoulder, I’ve never seen my mom like this she’s always been so calm, it happened to her but a little after I started to go into town she stopped being her happy, nice, always smiling and she started to be more cold and strict to me I don’t know why she did but she did

After a couple minutes of her crying she got up and looked at the table “where did he go?!” She yelled, I looked over at the table he was gone, Matthew was gone! “I want you find him, put up wanted sign, send out guards I don’t care, find him!” She ordered, she looked furious she looked around the room seeing if maybe he was there

Maddie’s pov:

My brother and father still were gone so I had to do all the work. business was slow I was looking around bored and seen that there was an empty on a decorative platter so I grabbed it and got some pastries to put on it I heard someone walk i didn’t look up because I was to distract “Hi how can help you today at-“ I stopped talking and looked at up “Matthew what are you doing here?”

Matthew’s pov:

As Beatrix was helping her mom I looked around and noticed the guards were all looking at the queen some of them were standing by her, so I got up and went Beatrix’s room I grabbed the clothes that Maddie gave to me and put them on I went over to the trapped door and opened it I did what Bea did with the carpet and door. I walked down the tunnel and into town I kept my head down and walked into the bakery. When I walked in Maddie was putting pastries on a decorative platter. She didn’t look up at me.

“Hi how can help you today at-“ Maddie stopped talking and looked at me “Matthew, what are you doing here?” she walked around and went up to me “where’s Beatrix?” She asked me again 

I sighed “she doesn’t know I’m here, ok?” I said quietly, she looked at me confused 

“What do you mean she doesn’t know your here, did you do something wrong, did she kick you out” Maddie asked again

“I… well- can we go upstairs” I looked around nervously, Maddie could tell something was wrong she looked worried and confused

“Yeah hold on” she told me. She walked over to the door and flipped the sign to say closed, she then closed some of the curtains “ok let’s go” she looked at me and started to walk up the stairs, I followed her

Once we got into her room I sat down on her bed I took a couple of deep breaths thinking about what I was going to say to her, she sat down next to me “are you okay ever since you got here you’ve been looking worried and anxious looking, are you feeling alright” she asked placing a hand on my shoulder

I took one more deep breath before speaking “I… I accidentally um- killed
Beatrix brother” I looked at her anxiously 

She stood up she didn’t leave the room nor yell at me she just stood up and started pacing back and forth “does Bea know” she asked looking at me still pacing

“Her mother told us this morning” I said still a little worried

She didn’t say anything after that she kept pacing like she was thinking if she was going to kick me out, turn me in, or yell at me

“And here I was thinking bea was the dumbest person I met” she joked I looked at her confused I just told her I killed someone and she made a joke!

“Your not… mad…. Or anything” I looked at her confused 

“No only because I didn’t really like her brother plus you said it was an accident” she stoped pacing around and stood there looking at me 

“Yeah I guess I did” I mumbled looking at her then at the ground “I messed up” I said putting my hands over my face and laying across her bed

“That you did do my friend” Maddi says finally sitting next to me, she patted my leg “and that you are going to have to fix yourself” she says “you can stay here tho and if guards find you then I’ll tell them I didn’t know you were here you found away in, got it?” She asked 

“Well do” I say taking my hands off my face “thanks for letting me stay here” I say sitting up

“Of course now stay here I have to back to the bakery” she says, she stood up and walked out of the room leaving me alone with me, myself and I

Beatrix’s pov:

We’ve looked everywhere in the castle and still no sign of him I walked in my room closing my door as I was walking I tripped 

“ahh, shit!” I yelped falling I looked and seen that my carpet was messed up “what the-“ I was a little confused then it hit me I quickly got up and locked my door I changed into my town clothes and put a robe on I opened the trap door and reput the carpet on top of it then closed it I ran through the tunnel unit I got to town I speed walked through the bakery.

When I walked in no was there I looked around downstairs no finding anyone and right as I about to go upstairs maddi came back down with an empty plate “maddi what’s that for?” I asked

She jump at but “Bea don’t do that I walking down the stairs” she said when she got to the bottom she turned to me “your boyfriend’s upstairs” she said 

“Wait- he’s not-“ she cut me off

“Don’t lie” she said walking behind the counter “he upstairs in my room and try and start with her not mad at him because he thinks you are” maddi said as she smiled at me

I nodded and walked up the stairs going to her room I knocked on the door

“Maddi I told you don’t have to knock” he said god it’s good to hear his voice 

I walked in and his eyes widen “Beatrix?” He looked confused

“Surprise” I said with a nervous smile

Sorry I haven't been updating, I have to go back to school in a couple of days so.... I'm going to cry

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