Singers we need you in the arena for drum roll call please the registration is open dancers we need to register so come on over here and registration
We need all drum groups you should be in the arena dancers we need you to get lined up for grand entry please dancers get lined up for grand entry please we need our flag Carriers come on over to the Grand entry area immediately so if you could help us out with that Teletubbies we need you at the Grand entry area All dancers please Head over the Grand entry area All dancers please Head over the Grand entry area All dancers please ladies and gentlemen you are going to be seeing such beautiful dancing in the Grand entry text message your family and friends tell them that you are at this pow wow in virden oil and gas place pow wow ok ladies and gentlemen we are going to go with our roll call singers you only get one start and as we go around the horn here ok here we go with our host drum roll call singers All the way from ponyville Saskatchewan Canada the mane 6 MLP
All right
Our other host drum
Bad nation all the way from south Dakota StateAll the way from Alberta Canada Stoney park
All the way from Nebraska I hope I can say it right mato pejuta
All the way from mantioba Canada Dakota travelsAll the way from Saskatchewan Canada
Elk whistleAlso from Saskatchewan north buffalo
All the way from the north Dakota
Young bearFrom Sweet Grass Saskatchewan Canada
Black stoneFrom Minnesota State twin cities
The BoyzAll the way From the province of Ontario Canada
Bear CreekAll right singers
We are going to start with the mane 6 MLP and go down the line
oil and gas place pow wow tour
AdventureThursday Friday Saturday and Sunday Thursday opening Sunday evening closing