1. first day

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Colby's pov~

I groan and roll over to turn off my alarm for work. I sit up and rub my eyes and check my phone to see I have a message from my boss "hey colby, there's going to be a new kid in your classes this year, his name is Sam. Try and make him feel like he's at home...and enjoy the start to the school year" I sigh and text back "okay, I will and thank you." Like we need another drama filled student here. I thought to myself. I walk to my closet, walking inside grabbing a pair of black jeans and a white shirt and walk into the bathroom.


As I walk in the school doors I see all the girls drooling over me like always. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my room and flip on the switch and sit down looking at the work I have to do for the day. Soon the bell rings and students fill the halls. I sigh and walk to the door, opening it as everyone talks and laughs. "You may come in" I mumble and everyone comes in and sits down. "Hello class, I'm colby but you can refer to me as colby or mr. Brock I don't really care I'm not picky" I write my first and last name on the bored. "Today we will just be getting to know each other since this is a new year and I haven't had any of you before" I walk to my desk grabbing some sticky notes. "You guys can write down any questions you have for me here and I will answer them" I say as I pass out a sticky note to everyone. "Any questions?" I ask as a girl in the back raises her hand. "Yes?" I say pointing at her. "Can we write anything?" She says as she puts her hand down. "Sure" "okay!" She giggles and starts talking to what I assume to be her friends.

"So while you guys and writing these I'm gonna share some things about myself" I say as I glance at the clock "I teach math obviously and I could care less what you do, I'm very laid back" I get up from my desk and walk around collecting the sticky notes. I sit on my desk while I read through them "what's your taste in women" I chuckle as I read the question. "Well, I'm actually gay so I don't like women but what I look for in a guy is personality really." All the girls in my class roll there eyes. "Can you guys tell me your name?" I point to each student as they tell me their names. "I'm Jane" "Devan" "Katrina" "hi I'm Sam" and so on. "Well it's nice to meet all of you" I say with a smile growing on my face. "You guys can get out your phones for the rest of the class, there is only about 10 minutes left anyways" I say as the whole class cheers. "Hey colby?" I hum looking up seeing a young boy with blonde hair. "Can I have a piece of drawing paper?" "Sure" I get in the top drawer in my desk grabbing some paper. "Here" I say as I lightly smile "eee thank you!" I hum as he walks away. Soon the bell rings. "Good bye guys see you tomorrow" "bye!" "Have a nice day!" They all say before they walk out.


I start walking down the halls to the cafeteria as I see Sam, Devan and Katrina all talking together by their lockers. I smile gently knowing Sam had already found some friends. "Woah!" I say startled as I see Sam falling. I run up behind him wraping my arms around his waist, catching him before he hits the ground. "Are you okay sam?" I lift him up and turning him around seeing him all red. "Y-yeah I'm sorry I f-fell" I hum. "It's okay just don't do that when no one is around here to catch you... I wouldn't went you getting hurt" he giggles and I chuckle before letting go of him and walking off down the hallway. "Oh my gosh Sammy!" I hear from behind me and I smile and walk to the cafeteria.

I sigh opening the door and walking in "hey colby" jake calls "hey" I groan. "What's wrong?" "I don't know it's just been I really boring day" I grumble and sit down at the table with him. "Well the first day can be stressful trying to get to know everyone... That's also why I teach science and not math, math is really boring" I chuckle "oh trust me, I know it is. I've tought it for 3 years" I say and he laughs. I turn around hearing the cafeteria door open behind me seeing Corey. "Oh hey Corey" me and jake both say. "Hi!!" He responds. "Pfft looks like someone is happy" I giggle and he hums "I am!! My job just got upgraded to the principal role so I'm now your guys boss" I glance over to see jake as he rolls his eyes and I groan. "Hey, I'm sure you will be better than Elton" jake says and we all laugh" "yea I'm sure anyone could be better than him... He was always touching me weird" I say and as everyone agrees. "But your also my boss" jake groans as he jokes around. As Corey gives us an evil look. "Your funny" I mumble and he responds, "I know" and we all roll our eyes. As the conversation continues. I glance up from our conversation seeing the clock and I gasp "we should probably get to class lunch is over in 2 minutes" I say as I rush to get my things packed up. "Oh shit your right" jake jumps to get everything clean. Me and jake walk up the halls talking and separating right before my room knowing his was a little in front of mine. Soon the bell rings and the halls fill with students and I sit down on top of my deak desk answering questions for the new class.


The last bell rings and I sigh. "Goodbye guys!" I say as they all walk out, leaving the school building. I gather up my things into my backpack and leave the room walking down to my car, driving home and hours later drifting off to sleep.

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